The Hong Kong Democratic Online Media "Position News" registered parent company, former editor -in -chief, and former editor -in -chief Lin Shaotong, which have been suspended.The crime is established and will be sentenced on September 26.

This case is the first time that the media has been charged with incitement since the return of Hong Kong.The Hong Kong Reporter Association believes that the case reflects the decline of Hong Kong's press freedom and cause irreversible damage to the press in the press.

The moment the judge Guo Weijian, who was in charge of the case, was convicted of guilty, his power was calm.Another defendant Lin Shaotong applied to the court for absence from illness and was approved by a lawyer on the same day.Guo Weijian approved the two people and Lin to continue the bail.

The crime pointed out that the defendant's conspiracy in Hong Kong to make and duplicate the incitement publication with others from July 7, 2020 to December 29, 2021, with the intention to cause hate or despise the Central or Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.The government may stimulate the rebellion against it; stimulate Hong Kong residents attempts to not follow legal channels, and prompts changes to other matters formulated in Hong Kong according to law; causing hate, contempt or aroused rebellion in Hong Kong's justice; causing Hong Kong residents to residents in Hong Kong;Dissatisfaction or rebellion; incite others to use violence; or to persuade others not to abide by the law or obey legal orders.

The judge pointed out in a written ruling that the Hong Kong Criminal Crime Regulations define the context of inciting intention. The words such as "hate", "contempt", "rebellion" and "dissatisfaction" in the application provisions must be considered.The situation, including the background of the relevant era, especially takes into account the purpose of formulating crimes.At the time of the incident, Hong Kong's political atmosphere was extremely hot, and a large number of citizens were dissatisfied and even opposed the SAR and the central government.In the background of the relevant era, there were 11 incitement diagrams in the 17 articles of "position news".

The Hong Kong Journalists Association issued a statement, refers> The original judge was replaced at the last moment before the interrogation. The interrogation lasted nearly 60 days, nearly three times more than the original number of days.The prosecution also expanded the scope of the case review after the trial. It not only reviewed reports, interviews and review articles on "position news", but also questioned the defendant with words and words on the intention of the editor, journalist and text.

The statement said: "Earlier this year, the government increased the maximum penalty of inciting crimes to seven years. The case exacerbated the concerns of journalists, deepened the cold effect, and harmed the freedom of the press."

The Hong Kong Records Association believes that, together with the case of "Positioning News", many incidents reflect that Hong Kong's freedom of news is seriously backward.

However, Chen Guoji, the director of the Hong Kong Department of Government, pointed out that the official respects and attaches great importance to Hong Kong's press freedom, and the latter is also guaranteed by the law. It is emphasized that if all reporters report according to factual reports, there is no restriction on the freedom of press.

Chen Guoji said that the media cannot criticize the Hong Kong government. There are many news reports that criticize the government every day, but depending on its purpose.He mentioned that any cases involving crimes must pass a fair and fair interrogation by the court, and there must be sufficient evidence to convict.

Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer of Hong Kong University of Technology Hong Kong Specialty College, pointed out in the United Morning Post that this case was the first time that the media was charged with the media after 1997. The result and sentence of the sentence will have a reference effect on similar cases in the future, which is of great significance.Hong Kong media should be careful to violate relevant laws when publishing articles in the future.

He believes that large -scale anti -immigrant riots in the UK have previously accelerated prosecution and judicial procedures.In contrast, the interrogation of the "Position News" has spanned two years, and many Hong Kong people have forgotten it, and may not be able to play too much scarlet effect.