The Hong Kong Democratic Online Media "Position News" registered parent company, former editor -in -chief, Xun Peiquan, and former editor -in -chief Lin Shaotong were sentenced to publish the crime of inciting publications.It also said that the case was unrelated to the press, but the issue of illegal and law -abiding.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that after the position of the news case was released on Thursday (August 29), the Hong Kong Journalists Association saidReversing damage.

But the Hong Kong Journalist Federation issued a statement on Friday (August 30), saying that the "Freedom of Pressing Freedom" theory of the Jian Jiao Association seriously distorted the facts, deviated from basic professional ethics, mislead the public, and mislead the public.Strict condemnation.

Statement said that the position news has long been used as a shield with media and press freedom for a long time. During the anti -repair period, it wants to discredit and attack the Central and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government during the anti -repair routine, inciting social hatred.The court ruled that the three defendants were all crimes based on facts and legal as the basis.

The statement emphasizes that the position of the news case has nothing to do with the freedom of the press, but the issue of illegal and law -abiding.

Statement stated that the Hong Kong Basic Law and the Hong Kong National Security Law clearly guarantee that Hong Kong residents enjoy speech and press freedom in accordance with the law, especially Hong Kong entering the new stage of the governance and promotion.Better protection.

The statement quoted Chen Guoji, director of the Hong Kong Department of Government Affairs, said that Hong Kong respects the freedom of press for press, and reporters will not have restricting the freedom of press on press.

The parent company of the position news, the Qi Peiquan and Lin Shaotong were charged from July 7, 2020 to December 29, 2021, and made a job in Hong Kong to publish and make or copy incitement with other people in Hong Kong.The intention will be pronounced on September 26 on September 26.