Li Huiqiong, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, said in an interview that if Hong Kong does not catch up in response to the expectations of reform, I am afraid it will become a "turtle rabbit race".

Comprehensive Ming Pao and online media "Hong Kong 01" and other reports, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China had previously sent a lecture team to Hong Kong to interpret the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee.In the interview, Hong Kong not only responded to the expectations of the central government, but also explained to the citizens. "If we (Hong Kong) do not rush to catch up, I am afraid that it will become a turtle rabbit race." I don't know if Hong Kong is a rabbit or a turtle.

She said that she must admit that Hong Kong's social development has improved in the past, but the pace of progress in some aspects is still slow, and citizens also feel that Hong Kong is still backward.

Li Huiqiong took science and technology as an example. This year's Hong Kong government has pursued it. Hong Kong is a city with an excellent business environment.The atmosphere is still insufficient.The Hong Kong government must think about how to promote the overall supporting facilities.