After listening to the Hong Kong Democratic Primary Selected Crime Defendant's plead in love on Tuesday (September 3), the Hong Kong court announced that it was sentenced to prison.

The primary election of the democratic school in 2020 triggered 47 cases. In the end, 45 people were charged with the crime of "conspiracy to subvert the state power" in June this year.

Comprehensive Hong Kong media reports such as Hong Kong Economic Daily and Hong Kong Radio reported that the last batch of pleading defendants was nine junior candidates in the New Territories East Constitution.The judge listened to the defendants Lin Jingnan and Lu Zhiheng in the Western Kowloon Magistrate Court (Temporary High Court) on Tuesday.This case is a case of the High Court, and there are no jury. The judge of the trial is Chen Qingwei, Li Yunteng and Chen Zhongheng of the Hong Kong National Security Law.

Lu Zhiheng was allowed to revoke bail, Lin Jingnan was allowed to continue the bail. The representative lawyers of the two believed that their parties were only "other participants" in the case.

Lin Jingnan is the founder of the former Abu Life Department Store, and Lu Zhiheng is a social worker.

The last batch of other defendants who pleaded with each other included the former journalist He Guilan, and Yang Yueqiao, a former member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong.