Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said in Cathay Pacific's graduation ceremony that the Hong Kong Airport Third Runway Road will be opened at the end of this year, which will usher in new opportunities for the aviation industry.

According to the Hong Kong Government Commission, Li Jiachao Super on Saturday (August 31) Published a video speech at the Graduation Ceremony of Cathay Pacific Air Leaping Ideal (I Can Fly), congratulated 300 students from different middle schools in Hong Kong to completeHalf -year aviation training activities.

He said that the above activity was re -held for the first time after the epidemic.Domestic aircraft, personally understand the development and achievements of national aviation.Outstanding students have the opportunity to communicate with Adelaide Flying School in Australia. In addition to solving the life of the fighter, they can also experience driving small planes.

Li Jiachao said that the trainees have enhanced the knowledge of the aviation industry through rich interaction and practice in half a year."I believe that everyone will make good use of the experience that this half of the year has gained, make career planning early, pursue their own aviation dreams, create the future for themselves, and assist in promoting the development and progress of Hong Kong's aviation industry."

He pointed out that with the opening of the three runway system at the end of this year, the capacity and function of Hong Kong International Airport will be greatly improved, and the Hong Kong aviation industry will usher in unprecedented opportunities.The Hong Kong Government is taking a number of measures to train and introduce more talents for the aviation industry.

Li Jiachao introduced that Hong Kong International Airlines Academy is holding more diversified professional courses to continue to train Hong Kong and regional air transport management talents.The Hong Kong Government will also continue to optimize the funding and reward programs of maritime and air transport talent training funds, and encourage more young people to join the aviation industry.The Hong Kong Government will launch the Greater Bay Area Youth Aviation Industry Internship Program to cultivate more young people in the aviation industry in Hong Kong and the entire Greater Bay Area.