(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Lei Dingming, a member of the expert group and economist of the Hong Kong Chief Experts Group, said that compared with Singapore, Hong Kong is still backward in grabbing talent policies.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Dongwang reported that Lei Dingming, Director of the Institute of Economic Development, Macau University of Science and Technology, said in an interview on the radio program that Hong Kong is currently undergoing a century -old economic changeThe long -term development prospects are bright, but the road is rugged and requires "multiple legs to walk", including the talents at home and abroad.

Lei Dingming believes that Hong Kong can attract talents to develop in Hong Kong, but these talents do not immediately play a role, and many people waste their expertise when they go to Hong Kong; Hong Kong must have a policy of integrating talents and pay attention to talents with entrepreneurial ability.Create employment opportunities for Hong Kong.

He said that the university education in Hong Kong must expand its capacity, and the evaluation standards must also change. Talents will not automatically send them to the door. In this regard, Singapore will be more systematic.

When talking about Hong Kong and Singapore's talent policy, Lei Dingming said that Hong Kong lags behind Singapore.

He said: "Hong Kong has not been able to use it after grabbing talents, not everyone has an ideal job. If you can't find a job, go as a salesperson and sell insurance, and waste their expertise."

Lei Dingming said that Singapore has formulated a set of talent policy plans, such as providing scholarships for the period for the students to study in middle school, allowing them to return to Singapore to serve Singapore after a few years.He believes that Hong Kong should also have such a policy to properly integrate all types of talents.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachang's first "Hong Kong · Global Talent Summit" held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in May this year revealed that as of the end of April, nearly 180,000 applications have been approved by various talents in Hong Kong, exceeding more than 180,000 applications, exceeding the exception, exceeding more than more than 180,000 applications, exceeding more than more than 180,000 applications, exceeding more than 180,000 applications, exceeding more than more than 180,000 applications, exceeding more than more than 180,000 applications, exceeding more than 180,000 applications.120,000 talents have arrived in Hong Kong.

A survey conducted by the Hong Kong Gao Tong Talent Service Association in July shows that about 22%of talents in Hong Kong have no job.