Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao and African country Graphiti Prime Minister Camille said that Hong Kong can contribute to the economic development and cooperation between Djibouti and other African countries, and says that the two places have a closer development of economic and trade relations.

According to the Hong Kong Government News Commission, Li Jiachao met with Camilles visited in Hong Kong on Friday (August 23) to exchange opinions on the issues of joint concern.

Li Jiachao said that Hong Kong, as the major international financial center and the world's largest offshore RMB business center, is an ideal place for the "Belt and Road" enterprises and projects to raise funds.Contributions to cooperation.

Li Jiachao also said that Hong Kong and Djibu mentioned that the potential development has a closer economic and trade relations. The Hong Kong government looks forward to strengthening exchanges with the Gilguti government in the future to develop more business opportunities for enterprises in the two places.