Lei Dingming, a member of the Hong Kong Chief Executive Policy Group and economic expert, said that compared with Singapore, Hong Kong and Singapore still have backward policies.

Comprehensive East Network and Sing Tao Daily reported that Lei Dingming, the director of the Institute of Economics, Macau University of Science and Technology, said on Sunday (August 25) in the radio program that Hong Kong must integrate integration in Hong Kong.The talent policy should pay attention to talents with entrepreneurial ability and create employment opportunities for Hong Kong.

He believes that Hong Kong must "walk through multiple legs". In addition to continuing to develop the financial service industry, it is also necessary to assist in the development of mainland China and countries along the “Belt and Road”, while developing high -tech technology.

Lei Dingming said that Hong Kong's long -term development prospects are bright, but the roads are rugged and can attract talents to Hong Kong, but talents can not immediately play a role.

He said that the local university education in Hong Kong must expand the capacity, and the evaluation standards must also change. Talents will not automatically send the door. In this regard, Singapore is more systematic.

Lei Dingming said that compared with Hong Kong and Singapore, there are still backward policies in grabbing talent.Singapore's talent policy is very planned. For example, the top students have provided scholarships during the study of middle schools, asking them to return to the service after studying abroad for several years.He believes that Hong Kong should also have policies to properly integrate all types of talents.