In the past year, the recovery speed of the Hong Kong economy has not been ideal. In addition to earlier, many small and medium -sized companies have also lamented that the business has been in difficulty, especially it is difficult to loan from banks.Hong Kong's largest political party in Hong Kong, Lin Jianfeng, vice chairman of the National People's Republic of China, also shed tears for this, causing heated discussions.

On August 9, Lin Jianfeng and the representatives of the Hong Kong Real Estate Agency industry met with the vice president of Hong Kong Financial Administration Ruan Guoheng, reflecting the hard work of the industry.Lin Jianfeng couldn't help crying when he talked about the development of the real estate agency industry in recent years.

Lin Jianfeng said at the time that many small and medium -sized companies could not support because banks tightened their loans.Speaking of which, he choked and said, "If it has been supported for so many years, it is a pity not to continue to contribute to Hong Kong at this moment!"

Lin Jianfeng is also a member of the administrative council and participated in assistance to the Chief Executive Li Jiachao's decision -making on weekdays. It has a great influence in Hong Kong's politics.He publicly shed tears in financing difficulties for SMEs in front of the media, and then became the focus of public opinion in the past half months, and also caused the issue of business financing to surface.People in different industries have successively relayed and bombarded local banks at the time of Hong Kong's economic downturn. Instead, they not only did not fully support the promotion of economic recovery, but refused to loans and collect loans.

The opinions of comprehensive business people, in order to operate many small and medium -sized owners, they usually mortgage the property on their hands to the bank, and then the loan will support the company to maintain operation.In the past year, the business environment was not good, property prices continued to decline, asset depreciation, Hong Kong banks have become increasingly prudent in property mortgage, continuously tightening credit, making it difficult for SMEs to have enough capital operations.At the same time, the bank collected loans from some borrowed companies, which caused some companies to fail to repay in a short time and cannot operate.

Some real estate agents also complained that after the Hong Kong government "withdrawn" in March this year, the property market began to recover, but the bank's loan application for real estate people continued to tighten., But now I don't want to do it.

Even if some small banks are willing to do it, they often "pick bones in eggs", and they are picky about the age, income, building age, and so on.In the past one or two months, banks could approve the mortgage loan application. Now it may take three or four months, and it has not been approved even on the date of transaction of the property.

In the face of a business community, it is accusing the bank of not being responsible for social responsibility and supporting the Hong Kong economy. Some people in the Hong Kong bank industry refute that banks are not charity. Many banks are listed companies and have the responsibility to create profits for shareholders.In order to protect their own interests, banks must reduce risks and do not do unsuccessful business.

In fact, in the past few years, various special loans in Hong Kong SMEs have risen bad accounts.Among them, the 100%guaranteed loan guaranteed by the Hong Kong Government's main guarantee has risen to 9.2%, and as many as HK $ 13.2 billion (S $ 2.2 billion) involved.Qiu Yinghua, director of the Business and Economic Development Bureau, recently stated unintentionally to push the plan and is worried that it will have a burden on finance.Similarly, the Hong Kong banking industry needs to be responsible for shareholders, and it is not possible to undertake high -risk lending.

In any case, banks are the mother of Baiye and an important pillar of the sustainable development of Hong Kong's economy.Generally speaking, the more loans of banks, the more prosperous economic activities.If a bank collects loans to customers with no problem with business, it may hit the economy.Therefore, Chen Maobo, director of the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Government, met with the HKMA and a number of local banks to discuss countermeasures.Last Friday (August 23), Yu Weiwen, President of the Hong Kong HKMA, was rare to meet with the Hong Kong Banking Association and the senior management of the three local banknote banks to further discuss the response plan.

After the

meeting, the three parties together showed that the industry had consensus to support the overall economy of Hong Kong, and announced new measures on the spot, including the establishment of a small and medium -sized enterprise financing responsibility group to review individual small and medium -sized enterprises' financing difficulties.Quickly and efficiently handle.

In response to the property agent, the bank tightened the tightening of the building mortgage approval and the application time to affect the buyer's confidence in entering the market. The six large banks in Hong Kong also promised that if the applicant's documents are complete, the approval will be completed within two weeks.The HKMA will also discuss with other banks, hoping that the two -week approval time will become industry standards.

If the banking industry accelerates the overall approval and relaxes the loan moderately, it is expected to penetrate into different industries and promote the economic recovery cycle.Many people believe that the new measures launched by the Hong Kong HKMA and the banking industry to release positive signals will help stabilize market confidence.

But some business people also cautiously believe that whether banks will effectively implement relevant measures remain to be observed.For example, the current market share of the six major banks has reached 80 %. It promises to announce the results of property mortgage approval within two weeks and change the previous two -month approach. Theoretically, it does help the healthy development of the property market.However, the two -week approval time promised by the bank is based on the required documents required by customers. Some banks may require customers to provide additional documents to extend the final approval time.

In the final analysis, the current Hong Kong economy is facing a major business environment. It is impossible for SME financing difficulties to solve by the banking industry "boiling water throat".Whether the new year's policy report released by the Hong Kong Government in October to launch a new trick to stimulate the economy is the fundamental way to save the industry.