Charles Lieber, a professor of chemistry and nano -scientist, who had previously been convicted for the "Thousand Talents Plan", said that he was considering working opportunities in mainland China and Hong Kong.

Lieber, 65, was originally the director of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemical of Harvard University, and is also a top expert in studying nanomaterials.In 2020, the US federal government was arrested to fed officials in the programs of China ’s thousands of people.Prosecutors also accused him of concealing his relationship with China Wuhan University of Technology and accepting the Chinese government's remuneration.

The US Journal Chemistry and Engineering News reported in June this year that Libe has submitted an application to seek to discuss the possible faculty appointments of the University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong and give a scientific speech to teachers and students.

The Hong Kong Media South China Morning Post reported on Saturday that when the inquiry that should be reported, Libea said that he could not be interviewed or responded to specific issues, but he said that "it is currently exploring (which means that I have not made it yet.Decisions) Opportunities for many institutions in Hong Kong, Mainland China and other places.

Libo adds that when looking for opportunities, he is most concerned about finding an institution that can best carry out research that is beneficial to everyone and can most effectively help other researchers to carry out work.He said that lifestyle and other factors are secondary in his decision.

Last April, Libo was sentenced to fines and two -year supervision release, including six -month home imprisonment.

Lieber officially retired from Harvard University in February last year, but continued to publish research papers in journals such as nature and science. At present, his affiliated institution is the Lieber research team.

The South China Morning Post reported that Lieber is the leader in the field of nano -science and is also the pioneer of nanotechnology to biology and medicine.He published more than 400 research papers in the journal of his peer review, which is the main inventor of more than 50 US patents, and has won many awards for his work in the field of chemistry and nano -science.According to Thomson Reuters, Lieber was rated as a chemist with the largest global influence and the largest number of thesis references from 2000 to 2010.