(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Ukraine Foreign Minister Culba called on Hong Kong not to be used by Russia and its enterprises to avoid Western sanctions. Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that the Hong Kong government was fulfilled and strictly implemented the UN Security Directors' decision.

According to Agence France -Presse, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Thursday (July 26) that when Kulbaba visited Hong Kong on the same day to meet with Li Jiachao, it called on the Hong Kong Government to take measures to prevent Russia and Russian companies from using Hong Kong to avoid Russia to Russia.The restrictions implemented by the Ukraine War are necessary to "weaken Russia's abilities in Ukraine and kill Ukraine in Ukraine."

On Wednesday (July 24), he sought to end the issue of the Russian and Ukraine War with the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi The talks Kulba said that Hong Kong, as a highly developed free economy, is based on a firm respect for the rule of law, and its reputation "should not be tarnished by Russia's conspiracy tricks."

The U.S. government regards Hong Kong and mainland China purchased military materials for Russia including semiconductors and drone componentsGlobal node.The New York Times reported this week that Russia has obtained a limited chip of nearly $ 4 billion (S $ 5.375 billion), many of which are transported through the Hong Kong empty shell company.The Hong Kong Free Council Foundation also issued a report on Monday (July 22) that Hong Kong exported restricted products to Russia, Iran and North Korea.

However, according to Sing Tao Daily, Li Jiachao responded in a meeting with Kulba that the spirit of rule of law is respected in Hong Kong and is vital to Hong Kong.Any action taken strictly abides by Hong Kong law.

In the inquiry from Bloomberg, the Hong Kong government did not directly answer whether Hong Kong helped Moscow escape trade restrictions.