As the demand for valuable watches in mainland China and Hong Kong continued to decrease, Swiss watch exports fell in May.

Bloomberg reported that the Swiss Watch Industry Federation said on Thursday (June 20) that the exports of watches in Switzerland fell by 2.2%year -on -year to 2.3 billion Swiss franc (S $ 3.488 billion).

Based on the batch price calculation, the export value of mainland China after the second largest market second only to the United States has decreased by 18%, and the decline in real estate prices has hit Chinese consumers confidence;A significant decrease of 23%.

After the crown disease epidemic, the exports of Swiss watches have increased sharply, and the demand for valuable watches in the market gradually weakened.Affected by factors such as rising interest rates, unstable economic growth, and geopolitical conflict, high -end watch buyers also controlled expenses.

Watchmen are also affected by Swiss francs against other currencies, because this has led to rising watches in the market and persuading some customers.Swiss watches fell 2.5%in the first five months to about 10 billion Swiss francs.