Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that Hong Kong has a barrier to maintaining national security and will greatly improve the determination of business. Therefore, investors call on investors to invest in Hong Kong to invest in prosperity.

According to the Hong Kong government communiqué, Li Jiachao made the above statements when Li Jiachao Super on Saturday (June 8th) at the opening ceremony of the National Security Legal Forum "Review and Prospects for the Development of the Development of the Development".

Li Jiachao said that Guoan can be in Hong Kong, and Guoan can be home.National security is the foundation of social prosperity and stability, and the citizens living in peace and career, which is closely related to the vital interests of the general public.

He pointed out that since the return of Hong Kong, national security risks have existed.Due to the failure of the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law for many years, the national security loopholes are everywhere. From the anti -state education in 2012, the illegal occupation of China in 2014, and the Mong Kok riots in 2016, until the "black violence" and the Hong Kong version of the "Color Revolution" in 2019,Large -scale riot manufacturing turmoil, planning to control the Legislative Council, rejected the financial budget without differences, forced the Chief Executive to step down, to take the administrative power and legislative power, destroy the constitutional order established by the Basic Law and the political system of Hong Kong, and subvert the state power.Seriously destroy national security.

Li Jiachao said that the central government issued an order of the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020, filling the important part of the national security law, and improving the election system, implementing the principle of "patriotic governance in Hong Kong", Hong Kong finally resumed normal operation.Only when citizens can enjoy the current security and stability, the enterprise can be used to show up, so that the Hong Kong government can make every effort to fight for the economy and seek development.

He said that in March of this year, Hong Kong realized Article 23 of the Basic Law of the Basic Law and completed a constitutional responsibility and historical mission that waited for the 26th and 19th months and 19th.Maintaining the full vote of the National Security Regulations in the Legislative Council is an important milestone in Hong Kong from the process of governance and promotion.

Li Jiachao said that the Hong Kong government will continue to do a good job of explaining the national security law.Looking forward to the future, the Hong Kong Government will adhere to the rule of law, protect property, and help business.Hong Kong's maintenance of national security and national security laws to ensure that the property and investment in Hong Kong are protected by law, and they also guarantee citizens and enterprises in public law.

He emphasized that Hong Kong has a barrier to maintain national security and greatly enhances the determination of business. Investors can rest assured to go to Hong Kong to invest in business.