Sunday (June 9) will be the fifth anniversary of the Hong Kong Repair Case.The Chinese government has rectified Hong Kong in the past five years, which has successfully stabilized the situation in Hong Kong; however, it has also undergone tremendous changes in the fields of politics, society and education. Recently, two British judges have resigned in the court.

The interviewed Hong Kong current affairs commentators believe that in recent years, Hong Kong has a trend to "one country, one system". It is suggested that Beijing publicly guarantee that it will adhere to the China -British joint and statement and declare that the "one country, two systems" will be extended for 50 years to restore foreign -based pairsConfidence in Hong Kong.

On February 13, 2019, the Hong Kong government announced the start of the amendment of the amendment of the fugitives, which caused strong social dissatisfaction. On June 9, a large -scale demonstration appeared to unveil the anti -repair movement.At first, a relatively peaceful parade gradually evolved into a conflict between police and civilians, which lasted more than half a year.

On June 30 of the following year, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China passed the Hong Kong National Security Law, and then tightened the Hong Kong election system in March 2021 to cooperate with the implementation of the new "comprehensive governance power" and "patriot governance Hong Kong"Governance mode.Earlier, the Hong Kong Government also legislated through Article 23 of the Basic Law.

During the

period, there were many waves of immigrants in Hong Kong, and hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong people moved to overseas.Many Hong Kong people have launched rally and marches in different cities around the world this weekend to express their dissatisfaction with the Hong Kong government.

In addition, after the Hong Kong court sentenced 14 of the 47 cases of the 47 cases of the Democratic Primary Selection last week, the Hong Kong Final Appeal Court of the United Kingdom was a very judge Lawrence Collins and Jonathan Sumption, and Jonathan Sumption said.The two have resigned this week.

Cen Yaoxin said that he will "in the appropriate time" and issue a statement for resignation.Hao Lian Si mentioned that he resigned because of the "Hong Kong Political situation", but he still confidently confidently of the independence of the Court of Court of Hong Kong and the judge.

Since the effectiveness of the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020, at least six British and Australian judges have resigned or no longer renewed the Judge of the Hong Kong Court.After Hao Lian Si and Cen Yaoxin resigned, there were only eight of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal.

Hong Kong judicial agencies issued a statement on Thursday (June 6), confirming that the two had resigned to the Chief Executive.The Chief Executive Li Jiachao and the chief judge of the Hong Kong Court of Court of Appeal, Zhang Junneng, issued a statement, regretting Hao Lian Si and Cen Yaoxin's resignation.

For Hao Lian Si mentioned that he resigned because of Hong Kong's political situation, Li Jiachao emphasized in a statement that the rights enjoyed by Hong Kong citizens and his own "shall be implemented by the Basic Law to this day without changes and will not change in the future."He quoted China's official speech, saying that "such a good system has no reason to change, and must be persisted for a long time."

Liu Mengxiong, a member of the Hong Kong current affairs and member of the former Hong Kong District of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that in 2019, the reflection storm broke out in Hong Kong, causing social turmoil and tearing, and serious frustration of economic and people's livelihood.In the past five years, Beijing officials have implemented the Hong Kong National Security Law and the Hong Kong Basic Law 23 legislation. The results have been immediate. Not only are they stop violence, they have gradually promoted Hong Kong to achieve "from chaos to governance."

But Liu Mengxiong pointed out that in recent years, while rectifying the chaos in Hong Kong in recent years, Beijing has also had the problem of "sewage and infants", which harmed Hong Kong's freedom and rule of law, and caused Hong Kong to move towards "one country, one system".For example, the Hong Kong Basic Law stipulates that Hong Kong has maintained its original capitalist system, but the 47th democratic faction that has just been sentenced has just been sentenced to a few years ago.The principle runs counter to the end.

Liu Mengxiong believes that in recent years, the international community believes that Hong Kong has a great deviation from the original system, and the "one country, two systems" has been deformed.Many foreign capital evacuated in Hong Kong. Beijing should publicly ensure that it is adhered to the China -British United and Statement, and announced that it will extend the "one country, two systems" for 50 years to restore foreign confidence.

He also said that many Hong Kong people also lost confidence in Hong Kong and moved to overseas 100,000 Hong Kong people. "The official should consider some rational and peaceful political prisoners, release goodwill, and make up for social tear."