A member of Hong Kong described the policy report put forward by the Chief Executive Li Jiachao, "Everything is ready, only owed the hearts of the people." It is believed that Hong Kong has now been ruled by the rule.The situation of the wrong judgment is also lacking.

The comprehensive network media "Hong Kong 01" and Sing Tao Daily reported that Xie Weijun, a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Election Commission, attended the politics report debate in the morning on Friday (November 24).When he got up and spoke, he bluntly said that "the skill does not want to talk more", saying that he only wants to focus on the issue of people's livelihood in the report.

Xie Weijun said that the previous policy reports were focused on the economic development of Hong Kong, but the focus of this report was obviously Article 23 of the Basic Law and Guoan.He believes that the "Xing" of Hong Kong's "governance and prosperity" is people's livelihood and economy, but if the focus of the Hong Kong government is still "chaotic", I am afraid that it is "focus mismatch and lack of forward -looking."

He described this year's policy report, "Everything is ready, only owes the hearts of the people". Many chapters mentioned in the report mentioned "I, we, the government", and rarely appeared "you, you".He believes that the policy report should be dialogue with the citizens, not "macro slogans and political engineering."

Xie Weijun also questioned the route of the Hong Kong government, arguing that Hong Kong should not follow the route of Beijing Central Committee when facing large international events.He questioned, "The most lazy and most secure approach is to follow the caliber of the central ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but is it in line with Hong Kong's largest interests? Is the central government most happy?"

It is very important for internal politics, but when it comes to foreign businessmen and international media, it is necessary to release the open -minded signal. This is the positioning of Hong Kong.

He also said that if the Hong Kong government wants to keep the positioning of "international super contacts" in Hong Kong, it will become a so -called "no -color night pearl" ordinary mainland cities, and they should be known to the business community and the citizens as soon asThey are mentally prepared.

Xie Weijun bluntly stated that what caused the business community to worry about the "Purple Sand Teacter theory" proposed by Li Rui, the former chairman of the CPPCC.Li Ruihuan proposed the "Purple Tea Hotch theory" when he commented on Hong Kong in 1995, calling on Beijing to enjoy the uniqueness of Hong Kong in Beijing, and do not wipe out Hong Kong's "tea scale".