In response to the proposal of the two court members of the United States, 49 Hong Kong officials, Liu Guangyuan, deputy director of the Hong Kong Sino -China -China United Office, accused him of violating the principles of international law and the spirit of the rule of law.Behavior.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, Liu Guangyuan said on Friday (November 10) at the "Future of the Future" at the "Future of the Future" at the Hong Kong Law Week 2023 that the rule of law is the basis of the "one country, two systems",Ensure that the "one country, two systems" is stable and far away.After the central government has adhered to the spirit of the rule of law, after formulating and implementing the Hong Kong National Security Law, Hong Kong was chaotic and governed.The Hong Kong National Security Law has made Hong Kong's rule of law more firm.

Liu Guangyuan pointed out that a few groups who want to interfere with the rule of law in Hong Kong have issued negative views on the Hong Kong National Security Law several times.

Liu Guangyuan said that some American politicians have repeatedly waved the so -called sanctions sticks and scared Hong Kong prosecutors and judges. This kind of humble behavior violates the principles of international law and the spirit of the rule of law. It is ridiculous, shameless and malicious behavior.

Liu Guangyuan said that in the past few days, there have been large -scale demonstrations in Hong Kong to oppose the so -called sanctions in the United States to protect Hong Kong prosecutors and judges and defend the rule of law in Hong Kong.Attempts to the principle of "one country, two systems" are destined to fail.

Earlier, when the Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao delivered a speech at the 2023 of the Hong Kong Sino -US Forum on Thursday (November 9), the above sanctions were also approved as a political movement of "a defamation movement, a political movement that attacked China and the SAR"" ".

Members of the two House of Representatives in the United States launched the Hong Kong Sanctions Law on November 2, asking Washington to evaluate whether the behavior of 49 officials such as Lin Dingguo, the Director of the Law of Hong Kong and the Director of the Police Department complies with the sanctions standards.They are investigated for their suspected violations of human rights.Of the 49 officials, many of the named judges were designated judges of the Hong Kong National Security Law.