Hong Kong artist Ruan Min'an was sentenced to 26 months in prison for suspected of inciting and money laundering.

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, the Hong Kong District Court practiced Jinhong in the sentence on Thursday that Ruan Minan did not hesitate to sacrifice the social tranquility to spread the instanto -sensitive post for personal interests.Abuse, the end of the promotional yellow shop is attached, the concert information and fundraising.

Lian Jinhong believes that Ruan Min'an is just catering and provoking the dissatisfaction, resentment and contempt of Hong Kong citizens to the government and law enforcers, and did not propose any constructive criticism, improvement plan, political opinion or reasonable and calm discussion.

Lian Jinhong said that Ruan Min'an also used morals to support illegal persons and publicity of Hong Kong independence. It has made behaviors that endanger national security.Ruan Min'an has a certain reputation as an artist. Each post has thousands of reactions, responses, and sharing, and "hurts a lot."

Lian Jinhong believes that some people who are unwilling to calm down will be incited by posts and try to destroy social tranquility and order. The case is close to the "serious" level referred to in Article 21 of the Hong Kong Guoan Law.

Lian Jinhong pointed out that this case involves a total of 718,000 yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same below, approximately S $ 123,000) and 1657 remittances.Common sympathy, you can infer the number of deceived more than a thousand.

Although the defense pleaded with Ruan Min'an fans, colleagues, friends, and relatives, his mother -in -law also said that Ruan Min'an also said that Ruan Min'an "knows the society, use the society, and the country must have a family.There is a country in the family. "Lian Jinhong believes that these aesthetic words are inconsistent with the behavior of Ruan Min'an in the case. The only effective reason for love is that Ruan Min is guilty, so Ruan Min'an was sentenced to 26 months in prison.

In addition, the prosecution applied to the court on Thursday and confiscated the criminal benefit of about 376,000 yuan in the remaining Ruan Minan Bank account.The defense did not oppose it, and Lian Jinhong approved the order.

Ruan Min'an has scattered institutional posts in social media the year before to last year, including celebrating the court's president of the court, Su Huide, admitted to the hospital and laughed at the police officer being bitten by wild boars.In addition, he had a fictional 19 -year -old woman who was charged with a riot, selling cookies and claiming that he would raise 710,000 money as a private use after funding the woman.