Statistics show that mainland China is more inclined to choose to travel to Macau than Hong Kong.

According to the Hong Kong Ming Pao report on Friday (August 25), the Chinese Institute of Culture and Tourism Industry Research released a big data report in the first half of 2023 this month.The data.

Data show that in the first half of this year, mainland Chinese tourists exit 40.37 million people, of which 78%of mainland passengers received in Hong Kong and Macao, becoming the most popular destination destination, far exceeding the earliest opening of mainland tourists entering the country.Thailand.

If compared with Macau and Hong Kong's ability to attract mainland tourists, Macau is better, receiving 50.9%of mainland outbound tourists, far exceeding 26.66%of Hong Kong.

Data also show that the source areas from mainland China are mainly concentrated in provinces and cities with high economic developments and high income levels, including Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, etc.67.56%.

In addition to Hong Kong and Macao, the destinations with the most outbound tourism in mainland China are Thailand (16.34%), Japan (12.05%), Singapore (8.69%), South Korea (7.6%) and Myanmar (4.99%) (4.99%)., Mainly in Asia.