(Shenzhen Comprehensive News) It is reported that it has been arrears by a number of Chinese mainland developers who owe more than 1 billion yuan (about S $ 190 million) in Hong Kong -funded real estate agencies, Zhongyuan Real Estate, said that the amount of commissions that have not yet been recovered are huge.Therefore, the company cannot prepare the corresponding commission to employees.

Liu Tianyi, chief operating officer of Zhongyuan Group, issued the above statement through the company's official Weibo on Friday (August 25).Tight communication will continue to promote commissions through multiple channels. Once there is a funding recovery, the corresponding commissions will be settled priority with employees.

Liu Tianyi did not disclose the specific figures that were arrears of commissions, but the China Official Media Securities Times reported on August 21 that the commission owed by the Central Plains Shenzhen subsidiaries has exceeded 1 billion yuan.


Statement pointed out that some commissions of the fixed salary and actual repayment of Shenzhen Central Plains in July and before this year have been issued, and there is no extension of the distribution.Although the real estate industry is currently facing unprecedented dilemma, the company has never intended to withdraw from the Chinese mainland market, and all businesses are also under normal development.

Liu Tianzheng said in an interview with the Securities Times earlier that some developers arrived at house helpers, but this often led to the loss of income in the Central Plains.He admits that the company's operating pressure is still relatively large. If it is required that Shenzhen Central Plains to pay the commission without receiving the commission of the developer's sales, it will make the company's operations more difficult.

Chinese media reported earlier that due to the sluggish real estate industry and the broken capital chain of developers, Shenzhen Central Plains was arrears of commissions by many developers such as Evergrande and Baoneng, which led to huge losses in the company, operating difficulties, and even evenIt is rumored to be arrears of employee commission.