The Japanese government announced its launch on Thursday (August 24)After the Fukushima nuclear waste water was discharged, there was a tide of salt grabbing in Hong Kong and Macau supermarkets. Many supermarkets in Hong Kong were short of salt, and Macau supermarkets adopted a restriction method.

Comprehensive network media "Hong Kong 01" Sing Tao Daily Macau Daily, etc., social media recently circulated a number of photos of Hong Kong supermarket shelves, regardless of coarse salt, young salt, salt, and sea salt.Some photos show that some people buy dozens of packs of salt, and some people say in the social group that some people have purchased dozens of packs of salt at a time.If there are the remaining sea salt.

Li Fengnian, deputy chairman of the Kowloon General Chamber of Commerce, said in an inquiry of Sing Tao Headline. Hong Kong's salt has always been sufficient and stable, and refers to Hong Kong to import salt from mainland China, and it is less imported from Japanese salt.He said that because salt is easier to refine, even if the mainland is short -term, Hong Kong can import salt from other other districts in the world.He also said that the weather in Hong Kong is more humid, and the accumulation of salt is easy to deteriorate. It is useless to do so.

For the online rumor, iodized salt can resist radiation. The Food Safety Center of the Hong Kong Food and Environmental Health Agency wrote on Friday (25th) on social platforms to clarify that eating iodized salt cannot resist radiation.The Food Safety Center shows that there is currently no scientific evidence to show salt, which can effectively prevent damage caused by radiation to the body. Excessive intake of iodine and sodium (salt) will endanger physical health.

A number of supermarkets in Macau have emerged from Salt grabbing from Thursday, and many supermarkets have been sold out.Some supermarket staff claimed that due to the impact of salt grabbing, the source of the supermarket became a popular product in Salton in mainland China, which was sold out instantly.In order to ensure the needs of customers, supermarkets have launched restrictions on purchase restrictions, and five packs of salt are purchased for each person.

The Macau Economic and Science and Technology Development Bureau and Macau suppliers understand the supply of salt. The suppliers have stated that the current salt supply is stable and the inventory is sufficient, and the supply is stable.The Economic Science and Technology Bureau calls on residents to maintain rationality and do not trust rumors.

According to relevant information, Macau currently has more than 190,000 kg of salt storage, which is enough for 37 days of residents in Australia, and suppliers will continue to purchase.

The Economic Science and Technology Bureau will continue to inspect the market, severely crack down on raising prices and hoarding behaviors to ensure that the supply and demand order of Macau people's biological supplies will maintain normal and ensure the consumption rights and interests of residents.