The next day in October 2019, the secondary area in Hong Kong conflicts. The Hong Kong police scattered the demonstrators in Wan Chai and arrested many people.Items and other sin.The case was sentenced to the West Kowloon Court on Saturday (August 26). Four of them were sentenced to 50 to 51 months, and the other three defendants who were less than 21 were sentenced to the teaching office.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that, according to the case, on the afternoon of October 6, 2019, hundreds of demonstrators occupied Wan Chai Hennessy and paralyzed the traffic.At about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the demonstrators wearing dark clothes and equipped with equipment, removed Hennessy Road and Du Laozhidao Iron Bar, and set up roadblocks on the road.Burning miscellaneous objects.

The police arrived at the scene to fire tear bullets. Some demonstrators used umbrellas as a cover to confront the police and have drilling cars to destroy the road.There are also people who use tires, large trash cans, street signs and other roads, and some demonstrators throw gasoline bombs at the police or throw tear bullets.Police later promoted and subdued many people, including seven defendants in the case.

Seven defendants include: Xie Yiying (26 years old), Wu Junjie (20 years old), Li Yuanying (25), Huang Weihan (35), Zhou Beijia (37), Boys X (17 years old (17 years old), 13 years old at the time of the crime) and Su Jiayang (20 years old).The defendant was ruled by the interrogation on October 6, 2019, at the junction of Du Laozhidao, Wan Chai, as well as a Hennessy Road between Shi Zhaoxu Road and the west of Taoist, and participated in the riots with other people with unknown identity.

The judge Liang Jiaqi said during the sentence of Saturday morning that the social order in Hong Kong was in a serious disorder period when the incident was incident, and large and small demonstrations continued to appear.It is about 42 minutes, which is completely blocked by traffic, which brings great inconvenience to pedestrians and residents.

Liang Jiaqi continued, the demonstrators dug up bricks and set up roadblocks with miscellaneous shelves such as iron fences to spray paint and drill the road to destroy the road.Laser light irradiation.Police repeatedly warned 34 tear bombs, etc. If it was not for the police to advance, the demonstrators had not seen it.

Liang Jiaqi made a judgment after referring to the case. Xie Yingying, an education consultant, was sentenced to 50 months.Division Zhou Beijia also crime when he was illegally assembled to use masked items, and was sentenced to 51 months of prison; Wu Junjie, Su Jiayang, and boys X who were also students were less than 21 years old.Essence