The Hong Kong Police launched the arrest of the "Solid Scam Action" on Thursday (August 24). For the first time, it was detected to use artificial intelligence facial replacement technology (Deepfake, deep forgery) fraud group and arrested six involved in the case.

Comprehensive Hong Kong media such as the Xingbao Xingdao Daily reported that when the Hong Kong Cyber Security and Science and Technology Crime Investigation Science and Technology Crime Team, Gao Di introduced the case on Thursday that the police received intelligence earlier, saying that someone used others as the identity of othersApply for loans.

After investigation, the police found a Hong Kong fraud group. At least eight Hong Kong citizens had lost their ID cards from September last year to July this year, and submitted 90 times to 20 different banks and lending companies, and submitted 90 times.Loan applications and 54 bank account opening applications, related applications are mainly processed online. Among them, four loan applications are approved, and the payment is HK $ 200,000 (the same, about 34,584 yuan).

Gao Di said that the police found that they used artificial intelligence face -to -face technology at least 20 times to try to impersonate citizens who had lost their identity cards to apply for loans. One of them was successful and involved 70,000 Hong Kong dollars.

According to reports, the police also found that the scammer used the above -mentioned eight -Zhang Zhang identity card to register more than 30 paid phone cards and use these telephone cards from April to May this year to send more than 7,200 fishing fraud.message.Police have received relevant reports so far. The victims handed over credit card information.

Gao Di introduced that the police arrested four men and two women in multiple districts in Hong Kong on Thursday at the age of 31 to 50, including a 35 -year -old group male main brain.One of the arrested people reported that the cleaners were unemployed, and they were suspected of fraud.

Gaudi said that the police inspected a lost ID card, 13 Hong Kong ID cards suspected of forgery, 19 hand -up telephone, nine computers, and a batch of suspected false documents, including suspected false documents, including false documents, including suspected false documents, including false documents, including false documents, including false documents, including false documents, including false documents, including false documents, including false documents, including false documents, including false documents, including false documents, including false documents, including fake documentsRevenue and address certificates, a group of tools suspected of making forged ID cards, including printers and a bunch of plastic cards.Police said that the arrest operation was still ongoing, and more people were arrested.

Gao Di said that this is the first time that the police have found that someone has used artificial intelligence face technology fraud financial institutions. Police have given appropriate suggestions to relevant financial institutions to improve their anti -fraud security measures. It is believedFill.Gaudi also called on Hong Kong citizens to increase alertness, and high -tech fraud tools are invincible.