The prospect of the Hong Kong property market is unknown. The Hong Kong people located in the Oil Citrus of Tsuen Wan for the first time home residential residential landmark will take over the construction of the first unit.Liang Wenguang, vice chairman of the Housing Affairs Committee of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, said that it was psychologically prepared for this result, and it is the best way to undertake the Housing Association.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, Tsuen Wan Hong Kong people first set up the bid for the first Friday (August 18), and the Lands Administration Agency announced on Wednesday (23) that only one bid was received, because the price did not reach the government.The base price is not accepted and ended at the bid.The Housing Bureau immediately invited the Housing Association to connect the project to build the first unit.

Liang Wenguang said on the radio program on Thursday (24th) that the market has long been psychologically prepared for this liquidEssence

He believes that the project is the best way to submit the development of the Housing Association, because the Housing Association has also participated in the development of the house (that is, the housing of the sandwich class, a kind of in the 1990s.Subsidy housing), don't worry about lack of experience.In addition, the development of the Housing Association can be compressed in cost and profit, so that it is enough to be able to make a profit and loss, and the development pressure is relatively small. If the project is left to the private developer to participate, it needs to retain a certain profit.

Liang Wenguang pointed out that the land needs to be flat, and the cost must be passed on to private developers. Under the lack of profits, various factors have limited the willingness of private developers to participate.He believes that the Hong Kong government in the future invite developers to participate in housing projects. It should first do a good job of land leveling. In terms of community facilities, it can give developers more decision -making power.

It is reported that the first place in Tsuen Wan Hong Kong people this time is that since the ballad labels of the Manchu Corporal House Land Land in January this year, there will be a lobbing land for the sale.The "bureau's" project, including the 4th and fifth district commercial projects of the Municipal Construction Bureau, and the first phase of the project of the MTR Small Oyster Bay Vehicle Factory, all in February this year, that is, a total of four projects have ended with a bid since this year.