The new Hong Kong under the "Patriotic Governing Hong Kong" has no previous vicious political struggle, and officials will no longer be scolded by the opposition, but this does not mean that they can "lie down" without working hard.Yang Runxiong, director of the Cultural and Sports and Tourism Bureau, has recently been involved in the cusp of public opinion because of poor performance.

In Hong Kong, the Cultural and Sports and Tourism Bureau is also known as the Cultural and Sports and Tourism Bureau. It is a new department established by the SAR Government when reorganizing the decision -making bureau last year. It is mainly responsible for culture, art, sports, creative industries and tourism affairs.But when it was not born, when it was established, he encountered a crown disease epidemic, and he could not show his feet.After the epidemic ended this year, the performance of the Cultural and Sports Tourism Bureau was disappointing.In order to stimulate the tourism industry, the Hong Kong Government launched a number of measures to attract passengers in the first half of the year.Many people have criticized the times, and the Hong Kong government is still failed to keep up with the times. Yang Runxiong, who is in charge of tourism affairs, has also become the target of all parties.On the other hand, the West Kowloon Cultural District Administration, responsible for the Hong Kong Palace Museum, M+Museum and the Center of the Opera, has a fortune of the Cultural District for the year. It is expected that the 21.6 billion Hong Kong dollars (S $ 3.7 billion) approved by the Legislative Council will be exhausted in 2025.The West Kowloon Administration submitted a self -made profit and loss improvement plan to the Hong Kong Government earlier, but has not yet received an official response for more than a month.The chairman of the board of directors Tang Yingnian finally couldn't help opening, pointing directly at "the ball is now on the Cultural and Sports Tourism Bureau."There is something in the words, and it seems that Yang Runxiong is inadequate.But Yang Runxiong's most controversial is his recent approach to responding to the cruise terminal incident.Kai Tak Cruise Wharf welcomed a large number of tourists earlier this month, which was originally worth celebrating.However, the transportation facilities of the dock are seriously inadequate. Passengers have to wait in line for more than half an hour to wait for cars.After a few days, the Hong Kong Government hurriedly launched improvement measures and strengthened traffic arrangements to guide passengers. The arrangements for the next few days were roughly smooth.However, cruise shipping in Hong Kong is already known. The storm reflects the lack of preparations and evaluation errors in the Hong Kong government, which has an irreparable negative impact on the image of Hong Kong.A few days ago, members of the Legislative Council rarely asked the Economic Development Affairs Committee to hold special meetings, and asked representatives from Yang Runxiong and the Transport Department to attend to explain incidents and find insufficient findings.According to the data, Yang Runxiong has served in private institutions for seven years, and joined the Hong Kong government in 1992 as a political department.He has served in many policy bureaus and departments, including the Food and Health Bureau, the Civil Affairs Bureau and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Sydney.In 2012, Yang Runxiong served as the Deputy Director of the Education Bureau, began to become a political appointed official, and served as the director of the Education Bureau of the Lin Zhengyue government from 2017 to 2022.During the period, Liang Zhenying, the vice chairman of the Chinese CPPCC and former head of the CPPCC, frequently wrote the text and sniped Yang Runxiong, questioning that the Education Bureau was inadequate to rectify the "yellow silk" teachers.The most important thing is that Liang Zhenying once quoted Chinese officials in Hong Kong's speech in Hong Kong that "avoiding shame for officials for officials" in Hong Kong. It is not named "some officials when they are windy in their ears", and they point to Yang Runxiong.The Hong Kong Research Association visited more than 1,000 Hong Kong people in the age of 18 or more to score the satisfaction of the Chief Executive and Director of the Director. The 1 score was very dissatisfied, 2 points were dissatisfied, and 3 points were general.The survey results show that of the 15 directors, Yang Runxiong's score was only 2.45, ranking second in the penultimate.Jin Yong's martial arts novels are the memory of many people's growth, and Yang Runxiong is no exception.In his early interview, he revealed that he had read all Jin Yong's novels during his middle school. The favorite role was Linghu Chong of Xiao Ao Jianghu.Now that he is facing multiple hot potato issues, if it is not handled well, I am afraid that he will soon change from "Xiao Ao Jianghu" to "exit the rivers and lakes".