The Hong Kong West Kowloon Cultural District Administration is in a financial difficulties. Tang Yingnian, chairman of the West Kowloon Board of Directors, said that it has tightened the expenses and described the current situation as "blood flowing into a river."

According to Sing Tao Daily, after attending the event of the West Kowloon Cultural District event on Thursday (August 17), Tang Ying's New Year's Eve (August 17) revealed to reporters that in the past two years, the West Kowloon Cultural District Administration has tightened expenses and increased operating income significantly in operating income., Greatly reduced business deficits.The operation cost of Western Kowloon was reduced by 50%, and the broken time chain was delayed from the end of this year to March 2025.

Tang Yingnian pointed out that all museums rely on government funding, and no museum can negatively profit and loss, and pointed out that the recovery rate of various facilities in Western Nine is not inferior to international peers, M+and the Forbidden City reached 46%and 44, respectively.%.

Tang Yingnian described the cost of tightening the cost is like "blood flowing into a river".The project "grab the resources", but hopes to change the status quo by making good use of the land resources of West Kowloon.

Tang Yingnian said that the Western Kowloon Administration has submitted a specific plan to the Cultural and Sports and Tourism Bureau, including short, medium and long -term plans, and is currently waiting for the approval of the Cultural and Sports Travel Service.As for the details of the plan, he said that if he was approved, he would announce it to the public.

Tang Yingnian said that in the four years when he was the director of the Hong Kong Finance Department, he changed the deficit of more than 50 billion (Hong Kong dollars, the same below, about 8.66 billion yuan) to more than 100 billion yuan.He said with a smile, "The Financial Secretary of the Financial Secretary has not seen the word Caichi in the next ten years, and hopes to announce the support of the public in the future of West Kowloon.

For the land use plan that has not been announced, Zhuang Tai, deputy dean of the Xinya Academy of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the executive director of the Global Economic and Financial Research Institute of Liu Zande, pointed out that if the plan is involved in selling land, the outside world is concerned that the outside world speculates that West Kowloon is speculated on West KowloonThe cultural area is commercialized, and the government may need to consider more.If it is just a lease, I believe it will be approved faster.

Zhuang Tai volume believes that building a house cannot maintain long -term profit, and the construction of the mall is too similar to other nearby shopping malls. Therefore, he proposed that West Kowloon could consider building hotels and rent in the form of short and medium -term.