The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government issued a report on the European Union (EU) Commission on Hong Kong to maintain national security and human rights, and expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition. It believes that the report is unreasonable attack and slander.

The Hong Kong Government issued a statement on the official website on Friday (August 18) to make the above response.

The Hong Kong Government said in a statement that Hong Kong has reiterated that Hong Kong has resolutely safeguarded national sovereignty, security and development interests, and comprehensively and accurately implement the highest principle of the "one country, two systems" policy.The Hong Kong Government strongly urged the European Union to recognize the facts, follow the basic criteria of international law and international relations, and immediately stop interference in Hong Kong affairs that is purely Chinese internal affairs.

The Hong Kong Government says that national security belongs to the central government's power. Each country has the responsibility and the right to maintain its national security.The implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law has a blind eye to the lives of the lives and economic activities of the vast number of Hong Kong citizens and the restoration of the business environment.

The Hong Kong Government emphasized that the Hong Kong law enforcement department has always adopted law enforcement actions in accordance with the law, strictly in accordance with the law, and in accordance with the behavior of relevant persons, institutions or organizations, which has nothing to do with its political stance, background or occupation.

In terms of protection of rights and freedom, the Hong Kong Government has pointed out that since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the Hong Kong media environment is still flourishing.As always, the media can exercise its freedom of pressing in accordance with the law.As long as it is not illegal, the freedom of media review and criticism of government governance is not limited.

The Hong Kong Government reiterated that any foreign or external forces vilify the situation of Hong Kong and try to destroy Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.The Hong Kong Government must continue to perform its duties firmly, and is committed to ensuring that the "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people governs Hong Kong", and highly autonomous guidelines are stable and long.

According to Reuters, the 2022 World Human Rights and Minsheng Report issued by the European Commission mentioned that Hong Kong's democratic principles, freedom and autonomy continued to erode last year.The report pointed out that Hong Kong's high autonomy and the rights and freedom of Hong Kong people were protected by at least less than 2047, but these continued to be eroded in 2022, and related development made people further doubt the promise of the principle of "one country, two systems" in mainland China.

The report also pointed out that last year was a wide range of implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, and the trials of Hong Kong democrats and democratic politicians continued to intensify.At present, many cases involved in Hong Kong are waiting for interrogation, including 47 preliminary cases, former members of the Federation of Branch, and Li Zhiying, founder of Apple Daily.