Li Ka -shing, the richest man in Hong Kong, donated 30 million Hong Kong dollars (about S $ 50.21 million) to mainland Chinese charity through the foundation to support flood control work in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Northeast China.

According to the official website of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong on Wednesday (August 16), the Li Ka -shing Foundation passed the Hong Kong China United Nations Office on August 15 to donate 30 million Hong Kong dollars to mainland charities to support flood preventionDisaster relief work.

Since the end of July this year, due to the influence of the super typhoon "Du Surui", extreme rainfall in Beijing, Tianjin -Hebei and Northeast China in mainland China has caused floods and geological disasters.

The news quoted the foundation chairman Li Jiacheng said that the safety of the affected people is cold and cold, which affects the hearts of Hong Kong compatriots. It is hoped that the people in the disaster -stricken areas will wish the people in the disaster area.

The Hong Kong Sino -joint Office stated that the good deeds of the foundation once again showed the valuable spirit of Hong Kong compatriots and the mainland watching, and expressed their sincere gratitude to this.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, after the flood disaster in North China in the mainland, Hong Kong business community donated money to support flood prevention and disaster relief.The donation of HK $ 20 million will also be thanked by the China United Nations Office.