Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said on Wednesday (June 21) that Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law must legislate as soon as possible, and must be legislated at the latest next year.

Li Jiachao said in an interview with the Hong Kong News Agency that he had asked the Security Bureau and the Department of Justice to refer to how to legislate for crimes."Article 23 legislation has set a schedule, and it must be established within my term. It must be legislative this year or at the latest next year."

He said that 23 articles cover seven crimes or activities, and Hong KongThe National Security Law has four crimes."Some people say that we have two crimes overlap; even if they are not overlapped, they are 11. With foreign countries 'extensive laws against Guoan, we are the" little witch to see the big witch'. "

Li Jiachao believes that Hong Kong is connected toThe best places in mainland China and different international cities. "In addition to being a super contact person, we are also adding value when playing the role of contacting the role. We are not just wiring students."

Li Jiachao also said that Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and other Asian security countries will be his next destination.