The Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong (June 19) rejected the judicial review application of Li Zhiying, the founder of One Media, and requested to overthrow the judge instructions who were approved by the National Security Department to obtain the content of the mobile phone.

According to the headline of Sing Tao in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong National Security Law designated a referee Rodquan issued an order earlier to authorize the National Security Department to inspect the information in the two iPhone Apple mobile phones of Li Zhiying.

Li Zhiying proposed a judicial review for this, arguing that some content in the mobile phone belonged to the news materials, and quoted the rules of implementation in accordance with Article 43 of the Hong Kong National Security Law, that is, the referee may issue a hand order, authorize search and inspectionSee evidence.He questioned that "indicating evidence" did not cover news materials.

The application for judicial review has been rejected by the original litigation and appeal court.The Appeals Division ruled last year that "indicating evidence" covers news materials and said that the protection of news materials is not absolute. News materials can not be exempted from search and inspection related to investigations related to criminal crimes.