A netizen in mainland China exposed on social platforms to expose Hong Kong Cathay Pacific Airlines and flight attendants for suspected "discrimination of non -English passengers" incidents continued to ferment. After the criticism of mainland netizens has been criticized, the mainland official media have also spoke one after another, saying that Cathay Pacific is "old faultDon't change. "

Cathay Pacific apologized for three statements under the pressure of public opinion, and fired three flight attendants involved.Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao on Wednesday (May 24) on Personal Facebook scolded Cathay Face for the disrespectful words and deeds of the mainland passengers, and "felt very angry and disappointed."

Cathay Pacific "discriminates against non -English tourists"

One mainland netizen on Monday (May 22) on the social platform stated on the social platform that he was on Sunday (May 21) to fly from Cathay Pacific Airlines flight CX987, flying from Chengdu to Hong Kong, just sitting in the last row to prepare meals near the air.In the place where resting, I heard that flight attendants complained or joked in English, Cantonese.

The netizen recorded a paragraph when the flight attendant talked with each other. The intention was that a passenger wanted to ask the air to ask for the blanket, but it was said to be Carpet.

A mainland netizen exposed Hong Kong Cathay Pacific Airlines on social platforms suspected of "discriminating against non-English passengers".(Internet)

A flight attendant vomiting said: "If you cannot says blanket in English, you cannot has" (if you do not say blankets in English, you cannot get the blanket), "Carpet is on the Floor"On the ground), I heard other flight attendants laughed.

In addition to recording, the netizen also recorded Cathay Pacific Passenger Passengers who neither speak English nor speak of Cantonese.A elderly man tried to hug the child to the toilet after taking off, and the flight attendants sitting in the rest place used the Cantonese broadcast that the "security signal lights have not been extinguished, please return to the seat", and then complained to his colleagues: "They don't understand they understandPeople. "

The netizen said angrily that he did not understand why he had such a great malice for passengers who did not speak English and Cantonese, and could not do basic respect for passengers, saying that they would make formal complaints.

After the news was exposed on the social platform, it immediately triggered resonance with mainland netizens, and shared that he was suffering from a similar discrimination experience in Cathay Pacific."Cathay Pacific Disclosure Passenger" related entries also appeared on Weibo hot search on the same day.

Cathay Pacific Airlines, which was pushed to the cusp of public opinion on Monday night, stated that he apologized for the passengers' "unpleasant experience" and "cause trouble".The flight mission is promised to launch an internal survey in real time, and the processing results will be announced within three days.

Cathay Pacific quickly announced the results of the treatment that night: the three flight attendants involved were fired.Cathay Pacific ’s chief executive, Lin Shaobo, apologized again, promised to personally lead the work team of the inter -departmental department to make a comprehensive review to re -examine the service process, personnel training and related systems.

Criticized by mainland official media and Hong Kong officials

Cathay Pacific apologized this time and made a quick decision on firing, perhaps related to the situation of the mainland public opinion field.

After the first statement on this incident on Monday on Monday, the netizens left a message in the comments that they would not buy it, and said that the apology was too lightly written.

The "Knight Island" of the Overseas Edition of the People's Daily of Mainland China posted a post on Tuesday that Cathay Pacific service personnel discriminated against mainland passengers.

The article pointed out that an airline that has a business around the world has regional discrimination against passengers, which is incredible, exposing some people's national identity bias, psychological distortion, and cultural and professional literacy.

The article believes that Cathay Pacific must not just apologize, but should fight against the province, rectify the punch, build a regulation, and solve the problem from the root.

After the second apology statement was issued by Cathay Cathay Pacific, the official media of Mainland China, Xinhua, issued a question entitled on the night of the old fault and the old.Yet?

The article criticizes Cathay Pacific, while apologizing, but he is resolutely not changed, because "the arrogance in the bones and the contempt for customers", and said that Cathay Pacific wants to "Tai" for a long time, and you must find a solution from the corporate culture.It is not forced by the pressure of public opinion.

Chinese official media published a comment article on Wednesday afternoon, "If you see a cockroach in the kitchen, then there must be more than one inside." Cathay Pacific's problem is not only on these three flight attendants, but alsoIt is in corporate culture.The article calls on Cathay Pacific to "scrape and treat poison", comprehensively review, and completely change their "old problems".

After questioning in mainland China official media, senior Hong Kong officials also came out immediately.Lin Shixiong, director of the Hong Kong Transport and Logistics Bureau, issued a statement at 11 pm on the same day, saying that he had paid great attention to Cathay Pacific and asked the management to immediately improve the service.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao also responded to the Cathay Pacific incident on Smarthk's "Promoting High-quality Development · Hong Kong Forum", saying that the incident harmed the relationship between Hong Kong and mainland compatriots, which was a serious event.(Weibo)

The Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao posted on his personal Facebook the next morning, saying that the disrespectful words and deeds of Cathay Pacific's un respects hurt the feelings of Hong Kong and the mainland compatriots, destroying Hong Kong's consistent respect, politeness, and integration of culture and values, and emphasized "This is a serious incident that destroys the image of Hong Kong and hurts Hong Kong and the Mainland compatriots. "

Li Jiachao also called on Cathay Pacific to review the quality of training and service, improve the customer service culture, and reshape the image of a good hospitality.

Yang Runxiong, director of the Hong Kong Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, also said on the same day that every Hong Kong person or those who provide services can fulfill their responsibilities to welcome passengers and respect passengers.He also emphasized that related events have a strong consensus in society and believe that Cathay Pacific will handle it appropriately.

When Lin Shaobo met with the media on Wednesday, he apologized to the passengers and the public involved in Mandarin in Guangzhou, and emphasized that "zero tolerance" was "zero tolerance".

Cathay Pacific CEO Lin Shaobo again apologized for Cathay Pacific discrimination on Smarthk's "Promoting High-quality Development · Hong Kong Forum" on Wednesday morning.(Weibo)

Disputes on Cathay Pacific

The Cathay Pacific Evascation, headquartered in Hong Kong for many years, has won the title of best airline and five -star airlines in the world for many years.Official information shows, inAmong the 217,000 Cathay employees worldwide, 80 % of employees are from Hong Kong.

As the first civil airline in Hong Kong, the largest shareholder behind Cathay Pacific is the British -funded Swire Group, but 30%of the shares belong to China International Airlines.

Due to the increasing market competition in the market, Cathay Pacific suffered losses in 2016 and began to reform some businesses. When the reform was slightly improved, Hong Kong had an anti -repair movement in 2019. Many employees of Cathay Pacific participated in it and affected normal affecting normal.Flight operation and reputation are also hit.

The series of incidents that happened at that time included more than 3,000 Cathay employees responded to participating in the air industry's strike, resulting in cancellation of about 300 flights; pilot Liao Songxian was charged with riots in the Sheung Wan movement;Anti -repair assembly of the Hong Kong Airport Lobby; a employee disclose the flight itinerary information of the Hong Kong Police personnel online to participate in the Games; and there are multiple hand -to -hand oxygen tanks to be exhausted or partial exhaust.

The China Civil Aviation Administration issued a "major aviation safety risk" order to Cathay Pacific at that time, which required to "participate and support illegal demonstration demonstrations, violent impact activities, and personnel with excessive stimulus".Cathay then dismissed two pilots who were prosecuted and accused of improper use of corporate information, and two other employees were fired.

Cathay Pacific is the epitome of the contradiction between Lugang?

In response to Cathay Pacific's discrimination incident, there are large V posts that Cathay Pacific is not a "non -English" passenger, but a passenger who discriminates against "Mandarin".Mandarin is the root cause of differential treatment in Hong Kong.

In early February of this year, shortly after Hong Kong's full customs clearance, a mainland Internet celebrity shared a video on social platforms that "challenged to speak only Mandarin in Hong Kong for a day".Baiyan will also be concluded that it is different from the local people. "The topic of "talking about Puzi calls in Hong Kong" has also triggered controversy in Lu and Hong Kong.

A mainland Internet celebrity shared a video of "challenge only Mandarin in Hong Kong for a day" on the social platform after a full customs clearance in Hong Kong.(Internet)

China Red Three Generations and Internet Critics "Chairman Rabbit" on Wednesday (24th) was re -issued on the public account.Cantonese GT; Mandarin, in Mandarin, Taiwanese or Singapore -style Mandarin is higher than Mainland Mandarin.The article pointed out that the only explanation of this issue is: Hong Kong's service industry's difficulties and discrimination against mainlanders.

There are also self -proclaimed Cathay Poor Siege that Cathay Pacific will never recruit flight attendants in the mainland, but he is the only group of mainland flight attendants in Cathay Pacific.She said that after graduating from university, she had cooperative projects and Cathay Pacific's cooperation projects and could send graduates to Cathay Pacific for one year. Therefore, she joined Cathay Pacific from 2008 to 2009.

Cathay Pacific Union: According to guidance English as the official language

The Cathay Pacific Union issued a statement on Wednesday to defend the air passenger behavior on the front line.According to the statement, as an international brand, Cathay Pacific from different countries, always respecting and treating all passengers equally, and compliance with the company's guidance, and communicating with passengers with English as an official language and the language of the company.

According to the Hong Kong Ming Daily, Cathay Pacific ’s Workers' Union shows an internal email issued by members on Wednesday. According to the guidelines, if flight attendants are photographed and videos by passengers without the consent, passengers may be required to delete the content.The company's policy has shown that the attitude of "zero tolerance" for non -conservation passengers ensures that employees have been fully supported when dealing with things.

The Trade Union also said that Cathay Pacific will support employees to protect themselves, and it is regrettable to get sad news.

The Cathay Pacific Union issued a statement on Wednesday that Cathay Pacific will support employees to protect themselves, and it will eventually get sad news.(Reuters)

In addition, there are suspected flight attendants involved in Xiaohongshu and scolded and argued that one of the flight attendants involved was not Hong Kong people, and English was not even her first language. How could she blame her not to speak Mandarin.

Some Hong Kong netizens have also supported flight attendants, referring to the "glass heart" and "inferiority sensitivity" of mainlanders.Some netizens sympathized with Guotai Airlines, saying that they just said in private, "I didn't say to the passengers", and some netizens left a message: "I miss the days when they have no their (mainland tourists) three years ago."

A Cathay Pacific employee also said in an interview with Hong Kong Ming Pao that the relevant remarks were "not good", but they did not intentionally discriminate with anyone, but their colleagues were joking.Many people think that management should explain detailed investigations and research to employees, and questioned that the investigation was completed in such a short time and the employees were not humane, and they were worried that they would "not speak privately" during work in the future.

Hong Kong and the mainland have been closed for three years due to the crown disease epidemic, and finally cleared the customs on February 6 this year, but the people of Lu and Hong Kong increased their contradictions due to exposure.Unlike the political direction and the social environment before 2019, the mainland public opinion caused by this incident has attached great importance to Hong Kong officials, and Cathay also apologize for three times, hoping that the outside world, especially the mainland, will give opportunities.

Some netizens revealed that on Wednesday's Cathay Pacific flights, flight attendants have begun to ask passengers one by one whether they want blankets, and the broadcast is also in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.

Sending blankets one by one and broadcasting in three -character may avoid disputes caused by words such as "Blanket" and "Carpet" in the future.However, Cathay is just a concentrated epitome of long -term contradictions between Lugang. The opposition and deep contradictions between the people between the two places may not be solved by dealing with a Cathay Pata problem.