Hong Kong media reported that the Hong Kong Entry Department is expected to expand the application for criminal records to other entry visas, including foreign maids, work, study abroad and one -way cards.

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily News on Wednesday (May 24), He Jiankui, a Chinese scientist who was sentenced to prison for the controversy of the genetic editorial project, was awarded the "high -end talent pass plan planning plan at the high -end talent pass."After the dispute in Hong Kong caused controversy, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government underwent internal reviews and planned to expand the criminal record request to other visas.

In February this year, the Hong Kong Government announced that it will declare more categories of criminal records, including the "general employment policy" in the input talent plan "general employment policy", "input (China) Mainland talent plan", "science and technology talent entry plan"" Non -local graduates staying in Hong Kong/Return to Hong Kong Employment Arrangement "and" Entering the Second Generation of Permanent Residents in Hong Kong in China ".But foreign family helpers are not included.

Sources said that in order to avoid discrimination against certain industries, foreign domestic helpers needed to declare criminal records at that time, but this arrangement was not launched.It is understood that at that time, the society was just recurring, and the demand for foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong was extremely high. The official considering that the addition of new arrangements may affect the number of foreign domestic helpers, it was suspended.

However, sources said that the Immigration Department will soon announce that the request for the declaration of criminal records will be expanded to other entry visas, including foreign domestic helpers, students who work, study or exchange in Hong Kong, and commonly known as "Mainland residents with one -way permits go to Hong Kong and Macao Pass to unify all visa arrangements.However, consuls and tourists who have obtained diplomatic exemptions are not affected.

News means that those who have obtained visas have been renewed in Hong Kong or after that will be renewed, and they must be declared if they are applying to apply again.Therefore, if foreign domestic helpers renew their contracts in Hong Kong, her visa can be renewed and there is no need to declare.But they returned home after the contract, and they needed to declare when they applied to Hong Kong.At the same time, the official will be extended to the "one -way card" to come to Hong Kong's family reunion.Sources emphasized that this is to unify the entry arrangements for equality.

Chen Keqin, a member of the Legislative Council and Chairman of the Security Affairs Committee of the Legislative Council, believes that the above arrangements are reasonable, but low -tech workers and foreign domestic helpers must also apply.It's big.He said that the new arrangement will more effectively guarantee Hong Kong enterprise employers, and do not have to worry about employees hired from other places may involve any crimes., Overall is a good thing.