Hong Kong and Mainland China plan to establish a constant organ transplantation mutual aid mechanism, which has caused some Hong Kong people to worry and resist. Recently, the number of registered organs registration has been applied for a rapid rise, but more than half of them are invalid applications that have never been registered but apply for exit or repeated cancellation.EssenceThe Chief Executive Li Jiachao believed that the situation was suspicious and had asked the police to investigate.

When the Li family met the media before attending the Executive Meeting on Tuesday (May 23), she pointed out that organ donations are very important. It is a lofty move to save people's lives. It is encouraged and promoted by Hong Kong around the world.

The Hong Kong Government is also promoting cooperation with the mainland, and some Hong Kong patients have benefited from it.Li Jiachao said that he was very opposed to any attempt to destroy the lofty concept of organ donation. The official noticed that the unusual number of the recent cancellation of organ donations, including more than half, never registered to donate organs, but applied for cancellation.The situation is very suspicious and belongs to the act of attempting to destroy the entire system.

He severely criticized the shameful behavior and had asked the police to investigate whether there were any violations and laws in these cases.Sources pointed out that the Hong Kong police are considering handing over the case to the relevant departments.

Because the case is suspected of issuing false news online, one of them may be investigated by the investigation department of cyber security and scientific and technological crimes;The police will be investigated by the Police National Security Department.

In December last year, after the Hong Kong Special Affairs Office specially completed the first organs from the first organs from the mainland transplantation surgery, Lu Chongmao, director of the Medical and Health Director, saidAnd in March this year, I visited the China Organ Transplant Development Foundation in March this year to discuss the establishment of a constant organ transplant cooperation mechanism with the mainland.

Data show that Hong Kong's body organ donation has always adopted a voluntary donation model.Since the establishment of the central organ donation registration, the number of registered people has continued to increase since its establishment in 2008, from 45,150 in 2009 to the current 357,000 people.

The Hong Kong Government took the initiative to issue a press release on Monday (May 22), saying that it was unusual for the recent application for registration. In the five months from December last year to April this year, a total of 5,785 people canceled the registration application.Half of them are invalid cancellation applications that have never been registered but have applied for exit or repeated cancellation, and the invalid cancellation rate in February is as high as 74%.

The official said that in recent days, a few people asked donors to consider the identity of the beneficiary on the Internet, and even called on others to cancel the registration of organ donation.It is extremely irresponsible and condemned.

Lin Zhiying, chairman of Hong Kong patient policy connection, pointed out in the media interview that from the figure, the citizens who withdrawn from the organ donation plan have indeed increased. In addition to immigrants and other factors, they also originated from doubts about the interaction mechanism of land and port organs.Some people also have strong resistance to donating organs to the mainland.

Lin Zhiying pointed out that many people may not understand the entire mechanism: Some (donors) may resist donating organs to the Mainland, and think that this is not their original thoughts.In fact, this may also affect the Hong Kong people, because as soon as the donor withdraws from, it can originally rescue the organs of other Hong Kong people, and it has also exited the mechanism. This is actually a pity.

Lin Zhiying pointed out that from the perspective of patients' rights and interests, organ donations are regardless of nationality, but the Hong Kong government's plan to communicate with the interaction mechanism of the land and port of the land and port is lacking in discussion and consulting, and failed to obtain trust in Hong Kong people.

Ye Deping, a senior lecturer at the Hong Kong University of Education, also said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that from the current information, the whole thing does not rule out that someone operates behind.But no matter what reason, it is absolutely wrong to deliberately destroy the organ donation system. In a civilized society, a life loss cannot be allowed to leave.

We stand on a humanitarian stand and must punish those destroyers.Ye Deping believes that the establishment of an organ transplantation mutual aid mechanism for the establishment of the two places in Lugang is definitely good news for patients with sick patients.He said that understanding that some Hong Kong people will have concerns, but the problem can be solved through the mechanism and cannot be scratched by sorrow.