The Chinese National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on Wednesday (December 27) was disqualified from the CPPCC members of the CPPCC of three military industry companies. The three were suspected to be involved in the rocket army corruption case.The scholars of the interviewees analyzed that the official case of the official dismissal of the official showed that the rocket army corruption case may also involve leakage and national security issues, and the case may be very complicated and sensitive.

Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, hosted a meeting of the Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Beijing on Wednesday to review and pass the revocation of Wu Yansheng, chairman of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, Liu Shiquan, Chairman of China Weapon Industry Group, and Vice President of China Aerospace Science and Technology GroupThe decision of the manager Wang Changqing's qualifications of the National Committee of the CPPCC, and submitted the meeting of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee to recognize it.The meeting did not disclose the reason for this decision.

Sing Tao Daily and other Hong Kong media quoted sources that the above three military giants high -level high -level high -level aerospace systems were born.Li Shangfu, who is avoiding the position of defense, is also involved.

As a super -large state -owned enterprise, China ’s weapon industry, Chinese aerospace technology, and Chinese aerospace science and engineering are military giants, and the latter two are the main agencies for China to develop various missiles in China.

Bloomberg pointed out that while Li Shangfu served as the Minister of Equipment Development of the CPC Central Military Commission and in charge of military equipment procurement, the three people were exempted from the CPPCC duties at the same time as senior positions among major national defense contractors.

60 -year -old Wu Yansheng is an expert in Chinese aerospace. He has made great creative contributions in the overall design and research and development of carrier rockets and missile weapons. He hosted the design of China's first manned carrier rocket plan.He has not appeared in China Aerospace Science and Technology Group for several months.

60 -year -old Liu Shiquan was a member of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. He hosted the development of a long -range and long -range attack cruise missile, and served as the chief designer and chief commander of the cruise missiles including the "Donghai 10" and "Red Bird".Essence

51 -year -old Wang Changqing has been responsible for the professional development of the key models for the guidance and control, electrical, measurement and control and other professional models. He led and broke through and broke through more than 10 key technical bottlenecks to make significant contributions to the development of model development.

Chen Gang, deputy director of the East Asia Research Institute of Singapore National University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the Aerospace Army Industry Department involved a wide range of involves, not only involved in the design and manufacturing military industry, but also rockets using equipment.The amount of corruption is huge.

The PLA Strategic Army Rocket Army has reported collective corruption in the middle of this year. Li Yuchao, former commander of the Rocket Army, and Xu Zhongbo, the former political commissar Xu Zhongbo; these two generals were members of the CPC Central Committee.The official has not yet announced the reasons for Li Yughao, Xu Zhongbo, and Li Shangfu.

For Li Shangfu's involved in the case and who the Chinese defense ministers took over, the Chinese Ministry of Defense spokesman Wu Qian was unwilling to respond at a regular press conference on Thursday (December 28).And the media is invited to pay attention to the WeChat public account and release of the Ministry of National Defense.As for the qualifications of the three military industry executives, Wu Qian only said that the reporter should ask the relevant departments.

Chen Gang pointed out that the official case of officials continued to be dismissed, indicating that the rocket army corruption case may also involve leakage and national security issues, and the case may be very complicated and sensitive.

Chen Gang analyzed that the Rocket Army corruption case was a great blow to China's entire aerospace military system; China was deterning through strategic weapons, responding to complex international situations, and games against the United States.

He judged that the investigation of the Rocket Army's corruption case will not end in a short period of time. I believe that more politicians and high -level state -owned enterprises will be involved in it. "Every announcement is just a stage of investigation results"Essence