China issued the first fog red warning this year.

The Global Times and Reuters reported that the Central Meteorological Observatory issued the first highest -level fog red warning at 6 am on Friday (December 29) at 6 am.This is also the first fog red warning released by the Central Meteorological Observatory since 2017.

According to early warning information, the fog will shrouded in Hebei to Shanghai and other areas in the next 24 hours.As cold air covers the whole country, the fog situation will be improved in the evening of Saturday (30th).

It is reported that due to the common conditions of high dampness and continuous unfavorable atmospheric diffusion conditions, it is expected that from the morning of December 29 to the morning, southeast of Hebei, most of Shandong, eastern Henan, central Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Shanghai, Shanghai, ShanghaiThere are fog in parts of northern Zhejiang, western Chongqing and other places.

Among them, the southeast of Hebei, central and western Shandong, northern Anhui, northern and eastern Jiangsu, southern Shanghai, and other areas have strong visibility with a strong fog of less than 200 meters.In part of the northern and southeast, northern and southeast of Jiangsu.

After research and judgment, the China Meteorological Administration issued orders at 8 am, the Office of the China Meteorological Administration, Disaster Reduction Department, Forecasting Department, Observation Department, Meteorological Center, Climate Center, Satellite Center, Information Center, Numerous Forecast Center, Exploration, Exploration, DetectiveThe center, public service center, human shadow center, publicity science popularization center (newspaper), service centers, and Huafeng Group immediately entered the state of emergency response in the third level.Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Chongqing, Sichuan, and the provincial -level meteorological bureaus that may be affected start or adjust the corresponding emergency response level according to the actual research and judgment.

As for how to defend the fog, experts suggest that relevant units take traffic safety control measures in a timely manner in accordance with the industry regulations, such as airport suspension of aircraft take -off and landing, temporarily closed highways, temporary suspension of ferry, etc.