The Report of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress on 2023 Recently requested the seventh session of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee for review.The report clearly states that illegal crimes are responsible for their crimes, and they cannot be connected or on others.

According to the news of China CCTV News Client on Friday (December 29), the above reports pointed out that some municipal jurisdictions issued a notice issued a notice on certain types of criminal personnel involved in a certain type of criminal personnel.The spouses, children, parents, and other close relatives of the crime are restricted by the rights of education, employment, and social security.Some citizens make suggestions for review and should be suspended.

The Legal Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress believes that the legal responsibility of any illegal criminal act shall be borne by illegal crimes and cannot be connected to others. This is one of the modern rule of law.Basic principles.

Regarding the notice to restrict multiple rights of close relatives involved, violate the principle of responsibility for crime, does not meet the constitution's principles and spirit of "citizens' basic rights and obligations", nor does it meet the relevant state educationThe principles and spirit of employment, social security and other laws and regulations.

Accordingly, the Legal Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the relevant departments urged relevant authorities to abolish the notice and support the departments of relevant competent departments to conduct self -examination and self -correction within the country to prevent similar situations.Ensure that law enforcement judicial work is standardized on the track of the rule of law.

A political review of one of the Chinese civil servants 'examinations, including reviewing candidates' family backgrounds, such as whether a straight relative is a major crime of public safety, a prisoner who is in prison.

Luo Xiang, a professor of criminal law at the University of Political Science and Law, said that sitting in criminal children is a typical utilitarian approach.In particular, political trials over the law in reality. Although this approach may produce a certain utilitarian effect, it does not conform to moralism and current law.