(Ottawa Comprehensive News) Sources said that the Canadian government is willing to provide 3 million Canadian dollars (S $ 2.98 million) compensation for Canadians, Canadians and Kang Mingkai, who have been arrested in China for nearly three years to make up for them.The loss during the imprisonment in China, but Spar demanded more compensation and accused the government of major negligence.

The Canadian Global Post on Tuesday (December 26) quoted unnamed sources that government lawyers are negotiating compensation with the two and hoping to reach a settlement early next year.

Sources said that Spaf's lawyer Philips requested the amount of compensation for $ 10.5 million, and accused the government of the Global Security Reporting Program (GSRP) in China.

Report quoting federal sources say that the Canadian government is not prepared to pay the amount required by Sparfver, and he will receive the same amount of compensation as Kang Mingkai, but the official concern isUnder the spotlight.

GSRP is a special unit of the Canadian Global Affairs Intelligence Department. It is responsible for sending diplomats to the hot area to collect information related to Ottawa.Kang Mingkai worked for GSRP for the Canadian Embassy in Beijing during his time as a Canadian diplomat.

Kang Mingkai denied that the government provided $ 3 million in compensation in an email, saying that "the actual amount is much lower", and said that the amount he hoped to reach the final negotiation was to make up for a large amount of cost during the imprisonment of China.And the income loss, if the final amount is higher than this, he will donate extra money to charity.

Sparford is one of the few Western people who can travel widely and have a private relationship with North Korea's top leader Kim Jong -un.Sparfer said that he was arrested in China, The negligence of Kang Mingkai and two other GSRP officials discussed him.Cause .

Sources said that the Canadian regulatory agency's National Security and Intelligence Auditage Department conducted a strict review of GSRP and released a report last week.The conclusion of danger, Sparver's higher compensation requirements are likely to be responded due to the report.

In December 2018, Canada arrested Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Chinese technology giant Huawei.Chinese officials subsequently announced the arrest of Starpver and Kangmingkai suspected of hazarding national security activities.Meng Wanzhou re -got the same day in September 2021. China also released these two Canadian citizens, causing western public opinion to increase questioning of "hostage diplomacy" in China.

The English version of China Global Times published on Wednesday (December 27) that Canada used the Sparfver and Kangmingkai incident five years ago to attack and discredit China, accusing China of unacceptable "arbitrary detention", but now it is nowAlthough the truth has not completely surfaced, this reversal has prompted at least the outside world to question the incident from different angles, and said that the Lie related to Canada made the country a international laughing stock.