First Financial reporter based on the second part of the Chinese population and employment statistics year 2023 -2022 Population changes sample survey data, "The number of people who are 15 years old and over the age of the country are divided into age and gender status" of the number of samples.Among the people at all ages last year, the unmarried rate of aging between the 25s and 29 years was 51.3%, the unmarried rate of the aged 30-34 years reached 18.4%, and the unmarried rate of the aged 35 to 39 was 8%.

The Chinese Population and Employment Statistical Yearbook 2023 is edited and compiled by the National Bureau of Statistics and Employment Statistics. It has been recently published by China Statistics Press.

In recent years, late marriage has become a common phenomenon.

In terms of specific age, the unmarried rate of 25 people is 70.8%; the unmarried rate of 26 -year -old people is 61.2%; the unmarried rate of 27 -year -old people is 52.4%;43%; the unmarried rate of 29 -year -old people is 34%, that is, about one unmarried among the 29 -year -old people.

The unmarried rates of 30 -year -old and 31 -year -old people exceed 20%, with 27.7%and 23.7%, respectively.The unmarried rate of 32 -year -old people dropped to less than 20%, at 18.1%.The unmarried rates of 33 -year -old and 34 -year -old people are 13.8%and 11.8%.The unmarried rate of 35 -year -old people is 10.2%.The unmarried rate of 36 -year -old people dropped to less than 10%, 8.7%.

The unmarried rates of all ages in the age of 40-44 have exceeded 3%.Among them, the unmarried rate of 40 -year -old people is 5.2%, and the unmarried rate of 41 -year -old people is 4.9%.In addition, according to the statistics of the First Financial Reporter, among the people of 50 and above (50+), the total unmarried rate is 1.7%.

Chart: Unmarried rate of some age groups

Data source: First Financial reporter calculated based on the second part of the Chinese population and employment statistics year 2023 -2022 Population changes sample survey data calculations.

On the other hand, from the perspective of the age structure of the marriage population since 2010, the age of marriage, especially the age of the first marriage, is delayed.According to the Chinese Population Census Yearbook-2020, the average first marriage age in my country in 2020 was 28.67 years, an increase of 3.78 years from the average first marriage age (24.89 years) in 2010.

On January 20, 2022, Yang Jinrui, deputy director of the National Family Department of the National Health Commission, said in response to questions from reporters that the "post -90s" and "post -00s" are the main body of marriage and childbearing.In urban and towns, the education years are longer, the pressure of employment competition is greater, and the postponement of marriage and childbirth is very prominent.

For example, many people graduate are generally 25 or 26 years old, and they are nearly 30 years old in a few years, so they will get married late.Ms. Li, who was born in 1990 and graduated from a master's degree in a university in Liaoning in 2016, said that her master's classmates are still unmarried at present.

With the development of economic and social development, urbanization and living level improvement, young people's expectations and choices in the future are more diversified.Ding Changfa, an associate professor at the Department of Economics of Xiamen University, analyzes that in large cities, the social independence of young people is relatively high, which also greatly affects the marriage rate and marriage age.

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