The leadership of the leadership of the Chinese Rocket Army's original commander Li Yuchao and the former political commissar Xu Zhongbo were "one pot", the commander of the strategic support forces, the mysterious disappearance, and a few months after the removal of the Minister of Defense Li Shangfu,On the week, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was abolished by the three military company executives.

Wu Yansheng, chairman of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, Liu Shiquan, chairman of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, Liu Shiquan, chairman of China Weapon Industry Group, and Wang Changqing, deputy general manager of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group.Among the three, Wu Yansheng and Liu Shiquan are leaders of the Grand Military and Industry Central Enterprises, with prominent status.China Aerospace Science and Technology Group is one of the world's top 500 companies. 60 -year -old Wu Yansheng has also won a number of honors such as advanced personal titles and outstanding contribution awards.

The official has not announced the reasons for the revocation of their qualifications of the CPPCC National Committee, but the three senior management of the military industry have been revoked at the same time, which is enough to show that they are suspected of serious disciplinary violations.Corruption.

The outside world believes that the "accident" personnel who have been exposed so far are probably just the tip of the iceberg. There have been more than a thousand seniors who have been investigated in the middle of this year.This round of the sword of storm refers to the field of military industry, especially the personnel in the procurement field.

Li Shangfu, who has scholars' temperament, is the representative of the Department of Military Industry. He has rich experience in space work and procurement.After graduating from the University of Defense Technology in 1982, Li Shangfu worked at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center for about 31 years, and was responsible for the launch of many major aerospace missions.In 2013, he was transferred into the equipment department and served as deputy minister and minister of the Ministry of Equipment Development (before the military reform in 2015). He also worked as a short time in the strategic support forces.Remove the position of defense.

On Tuesday (26th), the day before the three Military Industry CPPCC members were disqualified, the former Secretary of the Communist Party of China and Chairman of the Chinese Shipbuilding Industry Group, who was named the "father of aircraft carrier",Nearly 60 million yuan (RMB, S $ 11.13 million) was sentenced to 13 years in prison.Hu Wenming is China? The first domestic aircraft carrier general commander, retired in 2019, and was investigated in May 2020. He is also one of the high stems of the military industry.

This vigorous and long -lasting rectification operation is a strong deterrent to the Chinese military system.In Chinese politics, the commonly known "military industry" is a large concept, including technical bureaucrats in the fields of aviation, aerospace, nuclear industry, ships, and weapons, and scientific research personnel in these areas.

In the past 10 years, China has invested a lot of resources to promote the upgrading of military capabilities. The military industry is in the stage of blowout development. It has achieved the achievements of the new warship's launching speed in recent years.EssenceDuring this period, the landscape of the military industry was unscrupulous, and many military industry bureaucrats stepped into politics and were reused. Some also entered the central decision -making level.Secretary Yuan Jiajun and Deputy Prime Minister Zhang Guoqing all came from military workers.

However, in the rapid development of the Chinese military industry, the hidden risks caused by the high concentration of power are still not eliminated.The more resources in the military industry and the military, the higher the temptation and corruption risks faced by management.The equipment development department responsible for military procurement, as well as large state -owned enterprises and Rocket Army that developed weapons, on the one hand, mastering the "heavy weapon" of the nation of the country, and on the other hand, it has also become a high -risk area of ​​corruption.

Although state -owned military enterprises are called "enterprises", the main goal is to serve the needs of the military. The operation method will inevitably bring a planned economic color of instruction production.The risk of corruption cannot be underestimated in the case of highly concentrated power and grasping resources and highly opaque internal operations.

High -level rectification operations have expanded from the military to military enterprises, and from the side, it shows that Li Shangfu and other high -level military settled off the dismissal, which is mainly because of economic issues rather than political reasons.This time, the radish with mud, the residual waves that lasted for several months have not stopped, and the extensive rectification operations reflect the seriousness of corruption in the military industry.Supervise.

R & D, production and procurement of military equipment has its own particularity. It requires high confidentiality. It is impossible to spread in the sun and let public opinion supervise, as well as in any country.In the reality of China's supervision of power, and the hidden dangers of corruption, it is difficult to effectively and continue to anti -corruption in the military industry and continue to anti -corruption.

As for the development of technical bureaucrats in the military industry in Chinese politics, it is necessary to think from the two perspectives of long -term and short -term.

In the long run, the Department of Military Industry will inevitably be an important source of cadres of the Communist Party of China., Make them very suitable for being absorbed into the bureaucratic system.The storm in front of me believes that it will not affect the "former military industry" that has entered politics for many years.

But in the short term, the elites of military enterprises must set foot on their careers and have a higher level in politics. It is estimated that it will be affected.On the one hand, China Aerospace Science and Technology Group and China Weapon Industry Group leader double "accidents". It can be seen that the internal personnel of military enterprises are strenuously shocking, and the scope of the investigation must be more than these two companies.In order to focus on anti -corruption objects, even if the personnel have the potential to be promoted, it is estimated that it will be eliminated after the action is over and the dust is settled before it will be eliminated and fully trust.