The CPC Central Committee Foreign Affairs Work Conference was held on Wednesday (December 27) to Thursday (28th) in Beijing.The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to unwaverly adhere to the Diplomatic power in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, consciously adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and further strengthen the institutional mechanism of party leadership.Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the CPC, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the meeting believes that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the great journey of promoting the socialist cause of Chinese characteristics in the new era, historic achievements have achieved historic achievements and historic changes.The first is to establish and develop Xi Jinping's diplomatic ideas, open up a new realm of Chinese diplomatic theory and practice, and provide a fundamental follow for the promotion of diplomacy with great country with Chinese characteristics.The second is to highlight the distinctive Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style of Chinese diplomacy, and establish a major image of confidence, self -reliance, mind, and openness.The third is to advocate the establishment of a community of human destiny, which pointed out the correct direction of the common development of human society, long -term stability, and mutual learning.The fourth is to adhere to the leading strategic leadership of the head of state and play an important and constructive role in international affairs.Fifth, comprehensively planning the relationship between the same parties to promote the establishment of a big country relationship in a state of peace coexistence, overall stability, and balanced development.The sixth is to expand the comprehensive strategic layout and form a global partnership network with a wide range and high quality.Seventh, to promote high -quality co -construction of the “Belt and Road” and build the world's widest and largest international cooperation platform.Eighth is to coordinate development and security, and effectively safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests with firm will and tenacious struggles.Nine is to actively participate in global governance and lead the direction of international systems and order change.Ten is to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and consolidate the union pattern of foreign work.

The meeting pointed out that in the new era of diplomatic work, China has accumulated a series of valuable experience.It is necessary to adhere to the principles. On the major issues related to the future of human future and the direction of the world, we must be clear and standing firmly, firmly occupy the high point of international moral system, and unite to fight for the world.It is necessary to reflect the responsibility of the great country, adhere to the spirit of independence, persist in leading peaceful development, and adhere to the stability and prosperity of the world.It is necessary to establish a systemic concept, grasp the trend, overall planning, and take the initiative with a correct view of history, overall situation.It is necessary to adhere to positive innovation, adhere to the fine tradition and fundamental direction of Chinese diplomacy, and at the same time pioneer for enterprising, and promote theoretical and practical innovation.It is necessary to carry forward the spirit of struggle, resolutely oppose all power politics and bullying, and strongly defend the national interests and national dignity.Under the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, all departments and departments must be cooperated to form a strong joint force.

The meeting pointed out that the world's great changes have accelerated the evolution, and the changes in the world, the changes of the times, and the changes in history are developing in an unprecedented way.It will change, the big logic of the world's historical twists and turns will not change, the major trend of the fate of the international community and the general trend of the Communist Party will not change, and there must be sufficient historical self -confidence.

The meeting believes that looking forward to the future, the diplomacy of great powers with Chinese characteristics will enter a new stage that can be more available.We must closely focus on the tasks of the party and the national center, steadily seek advancement, abide by innovation, firmly safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests, open up a new realm of Chinese diplomatic theory and practice, shape a new pattern of China and the world relations, put China's international influence, andThe appeal and shaping have been improved to a new height, and it is a more conducive to the construction of a strong country with Chinese -style modernization, the creation of a great cause of national rejuvenation, and providing a more solid strategic support.

The meeting pointed out that in response to a series of major issues facing the world today, China advocates equal and orderly world multi -polarization and inclusive and inclusive economic globalization.The multi -polarization of the world with an orderly order is to adhere to the equality of countries in size, oppose hegemonicism and power politics, and effectively promote democratization of international relations.To ensure the overall stability and constructiveness of the multi -pole process, we must jointly adhere to the purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter, jointly adhere to the basic principles of international relations that are universal, and practice true multilateralism.The inclusive and inclusive economic globalization is to comply with the general requirements of countries, especially developing countries, and solve the problem of imbalance between countries and internal development of countries caused by the global allocation of resources.

We must resolutely oppose globalization and pan -security, oppose unilateralism and protectionism in various forms, firmly promote the facilitation of trade and investment liberalization, and crack the structural problems that hinder the healthy development of the world's economyPromote economic globalization towards a more open, tolerant, inclusive, and balanced direction.

The meeting requested that at present and in the future, foreign work should be guided by Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.The principle of justice and win -win cooperation, focusing on the main line of promoting the construction of a community of human destiny, advancing with the times to strengthen strategic deployment, deepen the improvement of diplomatic layout, highlight the problem -oriented, use system thinking, and clearly and comprehensively clear the foreign strategy of diplomatic strategies.The task, with a more proactive historical responsibility and a more vibrant creative spirit, creates a new situation of diplomatic relations with a great country with Chinese characteristics.

The meeting pointed out that diplomatic abideity innovation is an inevitable requirement for the new situation of a new diplomatic situation with a major country with Chinese characteristics in the new journey, and it is an inevitable requirement for better supporting Chinese -style modernization.It is necessary to strengthen ideological and theoretical armed forces, deepen the reform of the system and mechanism, promote the construction of diplomatic teams, and continuously enhance the scientific, foresight, initiative, and creativity of foreign work.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to unwaverly adhere to the Diplomatic power in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, consciously adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and further strengthen the institutional mechanism of the CCP's foreign leadership.All regions and departments must be treated with the overall situation and coordinated, and implement the decision -making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee's foreign work.

Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi, and State Vice President Han Zheng attended the meeting.