Taiwan's hometown of the Democratic Progressive Party Presidential Candidate Lai Qingde's hometown in the wild party was violated. The DPP accused the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi who leased the students in the Kaixuanyuan rental dormitory in Yangming Mountain to squeeze students.Hou Youyi's campaign office on Wednesday (December 27) proposed to Lai Qingde and others to violate the Election Removal Law.

Lai Qingde's "Lai Pi Liger" incident declined , recently stopped falling.Comments here are mostly that Lai Qingde has been out of trouble from "Lai Pi Ling", but "chartered Hou" is affecting the society's perception of Hou Youyi, and Hou must personally deal with the crisis.

Hou Youyi's wife Ren Meiling issued an open letter on Wednesday, saying that Kaixuanyuan was her pre -marital property, and she did not belong to Hou Youyi from beginning to end.After the lease of the manufacturer expired in June 2026, the entire building will be changed to rent or social housing.The existing 50 empty houses in Kaixuanyuan are subsidized by donation to the cold youth who want to rent a house there.

The 98th wave of polls on the 98th wave of the Electronics News on Wednesday.The gap between the candidates of the group was widen to 9 percentage points; the "Ke (Wen Zhe) (Wu Xin) Ying Dai" in the wild party fell to 16.6%.

The polls of Mirror News show that the support of "Lai Xiao Biao" is 33.3%, and "Hou Kang Bai" ranks in 26.5%, and "Ke Ying Bi" is ranked third in 23.2%.ETTODAY polls showed the polls of the cloud, showing that "Lai Xiao Bai" led 34.8%of "Hou Kang Bao" with 38.1%support, and 19.2%of "Ke Ying Biao".Lai Qingde is currently leading.

There were only 17 days left from the voting date of the election of the Taiwan election on January 13, 2024. The three presidential candidates Lai Qingde, Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe were negatively affected by their illegal construction, leases and speculation.The crisis processing ability is tested.

Lai Qingde's "Laipi" incident was frustrated in the first two weeks , Hou Youyi has won young votes with policies such as subsidizing youth houses, which is increasingly closer to each other.

The DPP spokesman Zhang Zhihao accused Hou Youyi on a hundred suites to rent it to students last week.Shuang Danglin Tental Public ".The DPP spokesman Lin Chuyin and others held a press conference on Wednesday to announce the contract between Yiyu Company and Culture University established by Ren Meiling in 2011. It attacked the monthly rent of 16,000 yuan for Kaixuanyuan, and fled to a house of 140,000 yuan per year.Tax, asking Hou Youyi to make it clear.

When Hou Youyi was running for the mayor of New Taipei in 2018, he was questioned by his opponent to buy land and house built -up funds in the large group hall (predecessor of Kaixuanyuan) next to the Cultural University.Hou Youyi had stated at the time that this was a legal inheritance from the mother's family and all the processes were legal.

Ren Meiling issued an open letter on Wednesday, indicating that Kaixuanyuan was the property she inherited before her marriage with Hou Youyi, and mentioned that their son died due to the burning car incident. The mother once said to Hou.", Worried that Hou served as the criminal police officer, he was in danger at any time; the floor -to -house house left by his father was to give her a dependence with her granddaughter.Let's confuse audiovisual.

She said that after the disturbance of the year, the real estate later signed a contract to rent to the Shin Kong Life Apartment Building Management and Maintenance Company Renting and Management, and the lease price was also determined by Shin Kong.

Hou Youyi also emphasized that the property of Kaixuanyuan's housing was not his. He thanked his wife for their decision and emphasized that if he had any illegal money in one corner, he immediately refunded the election.

The CEO of Hou Office, Jin Xicong, said that Lai Qingde has not been able to clearly explain to the illegal construction of Wanli hometown in New Taipei City. The DPP attacks Hou Youyi's Triumph Court, which is obviously to shift the focus.Hou Office also presented relevant information such as rent and tax list to prove all legal.