Zhang Jindong, the founder of the China Electric Retail Giant Suning Group, said that all sections of Suning's sections are stable and "have been afraid of the dark moment."

Zhang Xiangdong posted a full letter on the 33rd anniversary of the group on Tuesday (December 26), saying that in 2023, the group's Easy Purchase, Real Estate, Financial Elite and Independent Companies have accelerated stability and stability. The most valuable is the most valuable.It was a group of storms and adversity teams.

He wrote that the upcoming opening of 2024 is still full of uncertainty. Everyone has different understanding and judgment, but for Suning people, "after the dark momentFear, look at how many opportunities are looking for. "

Zhang Xiangdong said that Suning must more resolutely pursue high -quality growth, do things that are better, do a good job of product management and user services; to create a development platform with a more entrepreneurial atmosphere, trulyRealize the upgrading of management mechanisms and incentive mechanisms.

Suning Group has been in a debt crisis since the end of 2020, and Suning Tesco has also faced losses in the past three years.According to the financial report, Suning Tesco's revenue in 2021 was 138.904 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, ST $ 26.492 billion), a year -on -year decrease of 44.94%, which is equivalent to returning to the level of 2015.

In the first three quarters of this year, Suning Tesco revenue was 48.657 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 12.39%; net loss was 2.6 billion yuan, and the net loss after deducting non -recurring profit or loss was 3.079 billion yuan.