When answering the relevant questions about the new rules of "restrictions on sales of stocks", the China Securities Regulatory Commission stated that the next step will be comprehensively strengthened through the requirements of the CPC Central Committee's financial work conference.

According to the official website of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the person in charge of the relevant departments of the Securities Regulatory Commission made the above statement on Wednesday (December 27) on the fact that the reporter asked about the fact that the reporter asked about the fact that the reporter asked.

The person in charge said that the next step of the CSRC will compact the responsibility of the securities company and urge the securities company to strengthen the penetration of customer transactions and transaction purposes in accordance with the requirements of "unable to see, not exhibiting industry".Formulating management is strictly forbidden to participate in violations of regulations or provide convenience for violations, and effectively improve the business level.

On the other hand, it will strengthen supervision and law enforcement, establish and improve the working mechanism of penetrating supervision, and violate the requirements of "restricted shares in sales" through multi -layer nesting, conspiracy transactions, and series benefits.The behavior of behavior was strictly hit, discovered together, investigated and dealt with, and welcome the implementation of the market participants to implement the regulations.

In response to the implementation of the new rules of "restricted stock restricted stocks", the person in charge introduced that, on the whole, most securities companies are basically in place in implementing the requirements of new regulations, but on -site inspections have also found that individual securities companies have also found that individual securities companies have also found that individual securities companies also findThere are issues such as inspection of related parties in depth.

The Shanghai and Shenzhen Bei Exchanges issued a notice on October 14 this year on optimizing the securities margin transactions and transaction -related arrangements to clarify investors holding sales of listed companies, strategic allocation shares, and shares of strategic allocation shares, as well as shares, as well as shares, as well as shares, as well as shares, as well as shares, as well as shares, as well as shares, and shares of strategic allocation shares, as well as shares, and shares, as well as shares, and shares of strategic allocation shares, as well as shares, and shares, as well as shares, and shares of strategic allocation shares, as well as shares, and shares of strategic allocation shares.If a large shareholder or a large shareholder of the transaction is transferred or the shareholders who have reduced their holdings such as transfer restrictions, the investor and its affiliated parties shall not sell the stock of the listed company during the restriction period.

At the same time, the notice also requires the securities company to check the investor situation in accordance with the principle of penetration, to control the relevant transaction behavior of investors, and it is strictly forbidden to participate in violations of regulations or provide convenience for violations.