I wrote more financial news, and I was asked from time to time: How is the Chinese economy now?

Looking back on the past year, not GDP, PMI, and CPI are not jumped out of the mind, but several tiny fragments.

One was that when an interview with a doctoral student in the middle of the year, the other party admitted that he read the blog three years ago to increase the competitiveness of employment, but found that the efforts paid for it could not keep up with the speed of degree depreciation.The doctoral student said that she had been in an internship in a small county for a while. The local hard environment made her determined to work in a large city through her postgraduate entrance examination. I did not expect that "there is only a master's degree in that place."

One after the "Double Eleven", the friends who were working hard realized that they missed the annual online shopping promotion.But she quickly watched it, because the company's salary reduction this year and the consumption downgraded. Even the cat food at home was replaced from imported goods to a domestic settlement.Divided into 100.

The most recent scene is that the gym that often goes to the gym is brewing the relocation plan because it cannot afford the rent.Unexpectedly, I learned two days ago that because the owners of the mall could not find a tenant, the sky was agreed to allow the gym to continue renting the existing venue at an ultra -low price of the original price.The summary of the fitness coach saw the blood: "I think we can't afford it, but I don't expect them to rent it, see how bad the economy is now!"

These segments reflect the group I have exposed to the feeling of the Chinese economy this year: difficulty in employment, weak consumption, poor business, and miserable property market.In contrast, the data released during the same period is much optimistic: the cumulative GDP in the first three quarters has increased by 5.2 % year -on -year, and there is no suspense for the annual economic growth at the standard;It is maintained at 5 %, the lowest since December 2021 ...

Since the beginning of this year, the continuous growth between macro data and micro -experience has questioned the authenticity of official data.Fu Linghui, the director of the National Economic Comprehensive Statistics Department of the National Statistics Bureau of China, explained that this was caused by the comprehensiveness of macro data and the locality of the micro -subject.Luo Zhiheng, the chief macroeconomic analyst of the Ministry of Research of Guangdong Securities, believes that this is because the current economy still belongs to structural recovery rather than full -faced recovery. Economic recovery does not benefit all micro -subjects, and some industries and fields are still sluggish.

Of course, there are one -sidedness and limitations of micro perspectives, but they come from the daily experience and real feelings of ordinary people, so they are more likely to resonate with public opinion.Gathering into a tower, personal feelings will also affect the overall confidence. The most direct projection is the stock market emotion.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell below the 2900 mark on Tuesday (December 26).= _blank> The one -week "2900 -point Defense War" announced failure .Although the decline was caused by the "small composition" of a "singing decline" stock market, the stock indexes still fell all the way in the second half of the year in the second half of the year, and the stock index still fell all the way, which is an indisputable fact.

The Securities Times published an article entitled to the name of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index last week, referring to the US stock Jones Index achieved 5.5%of the annual compound growth rate (CAGR) in 127.It is twice the Dow, and this demonstrates that the "long -term growth rate of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is very high."

Hu Xijin, the former editor -in -chief of the Global Times, immediately refuted. Such a "rectification" is meaningless, and it is too far from the actual feelings of investors."No one can live for 127 years, and everyone does not live in the statistical average. What everyone wants is the sense of gain in their real investment cycle."

Hu Xijin added that while recovering the economy while promoting the health of China's stock market is a huge systematic project.

Coincidentally, the editorial published on Monday (December 25), Caixin, China Media Caixin.com, also called on challenges in the face of the weak growth of the private economic growth and the weakening of society..com.sg/Finance/China/Story20231226-1458289 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> should continue to insist on seeking truth from facts ," Face the real problem to solve the real problem. "This editorial caused widespread discussion, but it was deleted on the day of release.

The CPC Central Committee's Economic Work Conference held two weeks ago requires strengthening economic propaganda and public opinion guidance.target = _blank> "Singing the theory of light of China Economic" .But at the same time, forbidden to financial bloggers , comment on media commentsIs pressure on pressure, whether it helps to improve the perception of retail investors and private enterprises for the economy, the answer is self -evident.

The expectations of micro -subjects are insufficient, reflected in the short term as the low emotional of the stock market, and it has a longer -term impact on the overall economy.For example, the effect of stimulating the effect of stimulating policy, impacting government credibility, dragging down investment confidence, and further contraction of economic activities, falling into a vicious circle.

The Central Economic Work Conference will also "grasp and deal with the relationship between macro data and micro -feelings" as one of the requirements for economic work next year.This just requires upholding the attitude of seeking truth from facts, respecting the feelings of micro individuals, and improving the sense of gain to the public.Only when people are physically, they will improve their confidence in the future.

2023 after the Chinese economy entered the epidemic, and there were still a few days to turn pages.At the beginning of the year, investors who are optimistic about market retaliatory rebound are not happy for a long time; companies, students and residents waiting for supporting policies have not yet tasted the sweetness of "real gold and silver".Will they feel different next year?Standing on the tail of this year, I still had a little expectation.