Some products of McDonald's China have increased prices from Wednesday (December 27).

The first financial review of McDonald's application (APP) found that some packages, burgers products, and snacks have increased by 0.5 yuan to 2 yuan (the same is the same as S $ 0.1 to 0.38), about 0.1 to 0.38),Including wheat chicken leg burger rose from 24 yuan to 24.5 yuan.

In response to the price increase, McDonald's responded to surging news that combined with the changes in recent operating costs, the average increase was about 3%, and the price of each ordering channel was clearly marked.

According to the surging news, this is not the first time McDonald's China has increased its price for products.

At the end of December 2021, McDonald's China has increased the price of 1+1 casual support from 12 yuan to 12.9 yuan. At the same time, the prices of some single -product burgers and snacks have also risen slightly.

In January of this year, McDonald's China once again implemented the price of 1+1 casual meal, raising the price of 1+1 package from 12.9 yuan to 13.9 yuan.At the same time, some items of McDonald's also ranged from 0.5 to 1 yuan.

In response to the reasons for price increases in the past, McDonald's explanation is related to changes in raw materials and operating costs.

The First Financial reported that in recent years, the rise in rental rents will increase the operating costs of enterprises and franchisees. On the other hand, due to the prices of agricultural and sideline products such as rice noodles, meat poultry, edible oil, vegetables, etc.The volatility also challenges the cost control and anti -risk capabilities of fast food companies.

It is reported that in addition to McDonald's, the Chinese fast -food brand with a lower unit price is also quietly increasing.