In July of this year, the Jilin "Fluthalum Case" discussed by the Chinese media and discussed by netizens was sentenced to retrial. Among the 18 people who were convicted of provocation in the first instance, two of them had the original sentence.correct.

Huang Deyi, a villager in Wafang Town, Baicheng, Baicheng, Jilin Province, China, filed a pocket on the river in the village in 2014, and charged the bridge vehicle to recover the cost.However, Huang Deyi claimed that he and his 17 relatives were convicted of provocation.

After media reports, the incident caused Chinese netizens to discuss the voice that the government did not solve the problem of people's travel difficulties, but instead sentenced the bridge to the bridge.

According to the Baicheng Intermediate Court, the Baicheng Intermediate Court of Jilin Province on Monday (December 25) to publicly pronounces the case of the 18 people including Huang Deyi, and maintains the conviction of Huang Deyi and He Shuchun in accordance with the law in accordance with the law.Sentences; five people such as Huang Song, Huang Qiang, and Huang Dejun were free of criminal punishment; 11 people such as Huang Yong, Huang Gang, and Huang Wei were not guilty.

The notification stated that the Jilin Province Court of Jilin Province was sentenced to two years in prison on December 31, 2019 for the crime of provocation and two years in prison;Six months and three months of sentences, and the probation was announced at the same time.After the verdict, 18 people and others such as Huang Deyi did not appeal, the procuratorial organs did not protest, and the judgment had had legal effect.

After Huang Deyi did not accept it, he appealed to Jilin Province's Luannan City Court and was rejected and appealed to the Baicheng Intermediate Court.The case was opened on November 13.

The court was reviewed by re -examination: In the Laer River channel between Zhelin Village, Zhentin Village, Wafang Town to Baicheng, Wafang Town, Bannan City, Jilin Province, the river bed was hard and the water was relatively hard and the water was relatively water.It is shallow. The people around them have been crossing the river from this for a long time, and a river crossing the river has gradually formed in the river channel. On both sides of the river bank, two stools leading to the old road are also connected to the old road across the river.In many years, except for the flood season, pedestrians and various vehicles can cross the river through cross -strait roads.From 2005 to 2014, Huang Deyi was not approved, with Huang Dejun and Huang Deyou illegally built a floating bridge at the above river channel.

From 2014 to 2018, Huang Deyi invested, designed and organized Huang Dejun, Huang Deyou and others to illegally build a fixed bridge in the river and illegally built color steel houses and scales on Qiaotou.After the completion of the fixed bridge, Huang Deyi and others also blocked and destroy the old roads and old roads in the river channels to the river through piles of soil and digging, forcing passing vehicles to pass from the bridge to charge more costs.Huang Deyi and others also set up iron chains and ropes on the bridge head, organizing family members to work in the whole day, and forcibly collecting bridge fees for past vehicles.

Huang Deyi was ordered by the local water conservancy bureau for repeatedly ordered and fined for illegally building. After Huang Deyi paid the fine, he may not be demolished and continued to charge, or only demolished the bridge to pay the punishment.People build a bridge again.

The report said that Huang Deyi, the defendant of the original trial, and the defendants He Shuchun, Huang Song, Huang Qiang, Huang Dejun, Huang Deyou, and Liu Yanhui without the approval of the administrative organ.The old roads and the old roads in the intersection of the road are blocked and damaged, causing some vehicles to cause property losses due to causing property, so that other vehicles cannot or dare not pass from the old road, and they are forced to cross the river from the bridge from the case;The rope, forcibly charging bridge fees for the interception of passenger vehicles throughout the day, repeatedly caused disputes and disputes; Huang Deyi and others have refused to make corrections without the administrative punishment of the bridge without permission.With administrative penalties, he has repeatedly obtained the property of others and destroyed the order of social management. The circumstances are serious. The behavior has constituted a crime of provocation.

The report stated that the original judgment was accurate to convicted the above seven people.Huang Deyi played the main role in the common crime. It was the main criminal.He Shuchun, Huang Song, Huang Qiang, Huang Dejun, Huang Deyou, and Liu Yanhui played a secondary role in the joint crime, which was a crime.The defendant He Shuchun participated in the original trial and had a large effect. The original judgment was appropriate and should be maintained.

The original trial defendants Huang Song, Huang Qiang, Huang Dejun, Huang Deyou, and Liu Yanhui were mild, and they could be punished for criminal punishment. The original trial was improperly sentenced to correction according to law.The defendants of the original trial Huang Yong, Huang Gang, Huang Wei, Liu Yanjie, He Shuyun, Zuo Qingzhi, Wu Fengqing, Long Li, Liu Haibo, Li Li, Bianguang's plot were significantly harmful, but it was not considered a crime according to law.The original trial decided that the defendants of the original trial Huang Yong, Huang Gang, Huang Wei, Liu Yanjie, He Shuyun, Zuo Qingzhi, Wu Fengqing, Long Li, Liu Haibo, Li Li, and Bianguang constituted the crime of provoking trouble. Applicable legal errors should be corrected according to law.