Li Bin, founder of China Electric Vehicle Manufacturer Weilai Automobile, predicts that by 2035, the top ten car companies in the world will account for five.

According to the First Financial Report, Li Bin, the chairman of Weilai and CEO Li Bin, made the above expression at the Weilai Media Exchange Conference held in Xi'an on Sunday (December 24).

He said that the automotive industry has never been eaten by winners, and has always been competitive for a long time. It is a "marathon" competition.At present, even mobile phone companies are building cars. "The benign competition you chase me has made the Chinese automobile industry better and better."

Li Bin predicts that in 2035, Chinese brands accountGrow up every year.

When talking about Weilai, Li Bin said that Weilai Capital has invested more than 70 companies, including batteries and lidar.

He introduced that many of the companies invested by Weilai Capital are related to the supply chain.The reason why investing in supply chain companies is related to Weilai's attention and transparent supply chain, because the main positioning is in the high -end market, and the relevant investment is not necessarily to reduce costs, but to improve comfort and other considerations.

Li Bin predicts that the competition in the automotive industry has begun to enter the "final circle" in 2025. At present, the development of Weilai is higher than the development growth rate of the industry, higher than the growth rate of the high -end market of smart electric vehicles, and infrastructure in Shanghai and other infrastructures.In developed areas, more than 300,000 markets have also surpassed other luxury brands.

According to Bloomberg, Weilai Automobile launched a four flagship administrative cars named ET9 at the annual customer activity of Saturday on Saturday, the Panamera series and Mercedes-Benz luxury sseries.