After Shanghai Police in China disclosed a case of infringing chip technology and business secrets last week, there are rumors that chip companies involved in the case are related to Chinese mobile phone manufacturer Xiaomi.In response, Xiaomi responded that it did not participate in the direct management of the chip company and had no intellectual property or technical cooperation with the company.

Xiaomi Group Sunday (December 24) issued a statement on Weibo in the evening that recently, there are a large number of rumors and false reports about Xiaomi related reports on the Internet.Xiaomi has completed the evidence collection and reported to the relevant departments, and clarified strictly.

Xiaomi said that the group's investment company Hanxing Entrepreneurship Investment Co., Ltd. participated in a financing of a chip company in 2022. This move is "a normal financial investment behavior that cannot be normal."

Xiaomi also pointed out that those who have participated in the multi -round financing of the chip company have a total of multiple national and local government industrial development funds, as well as more than 20 financial investment institutions.Xiaomi is not the earliest investor or the largest investor.

Xiaomi also said that Xiaomi did not participate in the direct management and operation of the chip company, but also had no intellectual property or technical cooperation with the company.

On December 21, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau disclosed a case of infringing chip technology and business secrets, captured 14 criminal suspects, and seven servers that stored the technology of storage of infringing chip technology.The infringed Hisilicon Technology Co., Ltd. is a chip company owned by Huawei, a subsidiary of another Chinese mobile phone manufacturer.A person familiar with the matter later said that the infringing company here may be a communication.

Equity penetration shows that Xiaomi is the fourth largest shareholder of Zun Communication, with nearly 10%of the shares.

According to the IT home, the case closed the net in April this year, but due to the two companies involved in Xiaomi and Huawei, it caused the communication semiconductor industry to vibrate.Stealing Huawei "" Huawei framed Xiaomi "and other public opinion.