Hou Youyi, a presidential candidate for Taiwan in Taiwan, criticized the DPP presidential candidate Lai Qingde on Saturday (December 23).The Republic of China "is not worth being president.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News China Times and Mirror Weekly reported that Lai Qingde responded to Hou Youyi's proposal "The Constitution of the Republic of China is the political mountains of the country in politics" held by Hou Youyi at the political conference held by Lai Qingde last Wednesday (20th).Said: "To say that the Republic of China is the god of protecting the country, this is the myth I have never heard before."

Hou Youyi criticized Lai Qingde at the activity of Cada GARC Avenue on Saturday on Saturday's Presidential Palace on Saturday's Presidential Palace.Fan said: "He despise his country. No wonder I asked him if he wanted to give up Taiwan independence. He didn't say a word." Hou Youyi also vowed to "win back to the Republic of China."

On the other hand, Ke Wenzhe, a presidential candidate for the people, refers to the Democratic Progressive Party duck (unreasonable) at Kaohsiung, calling on the public not to spoil the green camp.