(Beijing Comprehensive News) China's official formulation of management measures to rectify online games with strong rectification, triggering the market huge. Tencent Tencent fell to the total market value close to Xiaomi in one day.Opinions further improve the new regulations for online games.

China National Press and Publication Agency announced the online game management measures (draft for comments) at noon on Friday (December 22) to publicly solicit opinions.It is mentioned that online games must not set up inductive rewards such as daily login, each recharge, and continuous recharge; online game companies must not provide or indulge in high -priced trading behavior of virtual props in the form of hype, auction, etc.;Multiple measures are proposed to further limit minors to play online games.

China Game Concept stocks immediately plummeted in the mainland and Hong Kong stock markets. Tencent's stock price fell 12.34%, and the market value evaporated at 367.05 billion Hong Kong dollars (S $ 62.237 billion), close to Xiaomi's total market value; NetEase's stock price fell 24.59%, the market valueIt also evaporated HK $ 137.5 billion, and the total of the two evaporated more than 500 billion Hong Kong dollars.

According to Sina Technology, Ge Weidong, chairman of Shanghai Chaos Investment Corporation, posted on WeChat friends in the WeChat friends circle on Friday: "Save the city here, there is a city over there" "Can this business environment still survive and invest!Create a loose business environment. It makes sense for minor restrictions, what happened to adults spending their own money to play games! ""

Facing the strong rebound in the market, the relevant person in charge of the National Press and Publication Administration of China responded on Saturday that the solicitation draft was based on the health and healthy development of the online game industry.Opins such as enterprises and other parties, publicly soliciting opinions from the society are a process of listening to opinions more extensively and improving rules and terms.

According to the China Press, Publication and Radio and Television Daily, the person in charge said that the department will carefully study the concerns and opinions proposed by all parties on the form of comments, and will continue to listen to the opinions of relevant departments, enterprises, users and other parties.Further modification and improvement.