The size of underage netizens in China is 193 million, and the penetration rate of the Internet on the Internet is 97.2%.

According to the China News Agency, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League maintained the Ministry of Maintenance of the Youth Rights and the China Internet Information Center on Saturday (December 23) jointly released the investigation report of the Fifth National Internet Usage.

The report shows that the Internet penetration rate of minors in cities and towns reached 97.5%, and the Internet penetration rate of rural minors was 96.5%.The penetration rate of elementary school students reached 95.1%, and the Internet penetration rate of the Internet at each academic section exceeded 99%.

From the perspective of the Internet access environment, the proportion of minor netizens has 87.0%of their own Internet equipment.The proportion of minors using mobile phones to access the Internet reaches 91.3%.The proportion of minor netizens using smart watches is 40.1%, and the proportion of using a flat -screen learning machine/smart screen is 21.3%.

The report believes that thanks to the increasingly improved Internet infrastructure in China, the continuous decline in the price and the level of traffic of mobile Internet equipment, the development of various Internet servicesreduce.The Internet access rate of the national primary and secondary schools (including teaching points) has reached 100%, and the improvement of school information level has also laid the foundation for minors to learn and use the Internet.

The report pointed out that the trend of low aging of minors using the nets in China has been obvious, and the proportion of previous school -age touch has continued to increase.Contemporary minors are accompanied by the Internet. "Gen Z" is called the "aboriginal" of the Internet era. With the development of artificial intelligence, "generation A" (the population group born after 2010)In contact with the Internet, the digitalization of life is higher.

The survey of this report is primary school, junior high school, high school, vocational high, technical secondary school, technical school, and technical school students under 18 years of age. The size of minor netizens does not include groups under 6 years old and non -student samples.